16:00 |
AKSOE 10.1 |
Increasing market efficiency: Evolution of cross-correlations of stock returns — •Bence Tóth and János Kertész
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.2 |
Pattern detection in Continous Double Auction Markets — •Bettina Hoser and Andreas Geyer-Schulz
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.3 |
Variations of the Bak Asset Market Model — •Boris Brodda, Johannes J. Schneider, Sebastian Golke, Tobias Preis, and Wolfgang Paul
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.4 |
Introduction and Investigation of a Multi-Agent Based Order Book Model of Financial Markets — •Tobias Preis, Sebastian Golke, Wolfgang Paul, Boris Brodda, and Johannes J. Schneider
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.5 |
To a local approximation method of time-series short-range predictability of developing assets — •Michael Romanovsky
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.6 |
Multiple time scales and the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility model — •Josep Perelló and Jaume Masoliver
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.7 |
Statistical Analysis of Stock-Market Fluctuations: A Single Parametric Formulation — •Pragya Shukla
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.8 |
Interacting Gap Model — •Andrej Svorenčík and František Slanina
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.9 |
The socioeconomic equation of state, structural interest rates, employment, and growth — •H G Danielmeyer
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.10 |
The pace of networking technical and social innovation may be genetically stabilized — •H G Danielmeyer
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.11 |
Dynamics of correlations from a FTSE100 portfolio — •Ricardo Coelho, Stefan Hutzler, Przemyslaw Repetowicz, and Peter Richmond
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.12 |
Feedback between market return and excess demand of heterogeneous interacting traders — •Fernando Pigeard de Almeida Prado
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.13 |
Portfolio optimization with respect to different risk types. — •Urszula Skornik-Pokarowska and Arkadiusz Orlowski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.14 |
Examples of risk measures and their application to portfolio optimization — •Urszula Skornik-Pokarowska and Arkadiusz Orlowski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.15 |
A subjective approach to the risk measurement — •Piotr Jaworski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.16 |
Investigation on optimization of portfolios by different methods — •uli willibald spreitzer and vladimir reznik
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.17 |
Investigation on CAPM-portfolios built by agents with insufficient knowledge of the market — •Vladimir reznik and uli willibald spreitzer
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.18 |
Random matrix theory, elliptical distributions and correlations in incomplete financial data — •Uwe Jaekel and Gabriel Frahm
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.19 |
Analyzing Memory Effects of Complex Systems from Time Series — •Daniel T. Schmitt and Michael Schulz
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.20 |
Methods of claim reserving and Monte Carlo Simulation — •Magda Schiegl
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.21 |
Point processes models for the trading activity — •Bronislovas Kaulakys, Miglius Alaburda, and Vygintas Gontis
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.22 |
Phase diagrams for an evolutionary Prisoner’s Dilemma game on different random regular graphs — •Jeromos Vukov and György Szabó
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.23 |
The Problem of Relativity in Economic Models — •Bodo Herzog
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.24 |
Nongaussian Fluctuations arising from finite populations: Exact results for the evolutionary Moran process — •Jens Christian Claussen and Arne Traulsen
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.25 |
The Missing Exchange Rate of Banking — •Dieter Braun
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.26 |
Strong wealth condensation in stochastic transfer potential economy models — •Dieter Braun
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.27 |
Random fragmentation with inequality constraint: A model of income distribution — •Aparna Basu
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.28 |
Equilibrium Econophysics — •Tânia Sousa and Tiago Domingos
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.29 |
Statistical Properties of U.S. Output Growth-Rate Distributions — •Andrea Roventini, Giorgio Fagiolo, and Mauro Napoletano
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.30 |
Econo-Thermodynamics: The Nature of Economic Interactions — •Jürgen Mimkes
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.31 |
Stabilization of chaotic dynamic in micro-economical model of competing firms — •Maria Davidich and Aleksandr Loskutov
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.32 |
A Stochastic Theory of Geographic Concentration and the Empirical Evidence in Germany — •Thomas Brenner
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.33 |
Modeling framework for railway stations in regional systems — •Dominik E. Reusser and Peter Loukopoulus
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.34 |
Phase Transition in Density between Urban and Rural Areas, Commuting and Perubanization — •Yuri Yegorov
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.35 |
Analysis of dynamic processes on air traffic networks — •Marcus Rauhut and Michael Schulz
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.36 |
Time Series Analysis of the NGSIM-Vehicular-Dataset — •Christof Liebe, Reinhard Mahnke, and Peter Wagner
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.37 |
Propagation of Traffic-Related Information on Freeways via Inter-Vehicle Communication — •Martin Schönhof, Martin Treiber, Arne Kesting, and Dirk Helbing
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.38 |
Impact of automated driving strategies on future traffic dynamics — •Arne Kesting, Martin Treiber, Martin Schönhof, and Dirk Helbing
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.39 |
Can Urban Clusters Trace Political Changes? — •Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Iris Aravot, Lucien Benguigui , and Daniel Czamanski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.40 |
An agent-based modelling approach of Plague transmission: the SIMPEST prototype — •Dominique Badariotti, Arnaud Banos, Vincent Laperrière, and Jean-Pierre Müller
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.41 |
Crowd Dynamics; Modeling, Calibraton, and Empirical Findings — •Anders Johansson and Dirk Helbing
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.42 |
Traffic Flow by Cellular Automata: Effect of Maximal Car Velocity — •Danuta Makowiec and Wieslaw Miklaszewski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.43 |
Interaction Spaces: a general method to derive differential equations from multi-agent and cellular automata models — •Paolo Giordano, Sergio Albeverio, Denise Andrey, and Alberto Vancheri
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.44 |
A dynamic model for city size distribution — •Lucien Benguigui and Efrat Blumentfeld-Lieberthal
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.45 |
Stability of steady state solutions in balanced vehicular traffic — •Florian Siebel and Wolfram Mauser
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.46 |
Filtering tools for correlation networks — •Jan Nagler, Philipp Weber, Shlomo Havlin, and H. Eugene Stanley
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.47 |
Correlations of centrality metrics on complex networks — •Magnus Jungsbluth and Alexander K. Hartmann
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.48 |
Scaling Laws for the Lifetimes of Governments — •Christian Hirtreiter and Johannes J. Schneider
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.49 |
Proactive robustness control of heterogeneously loaded networks — •Mirko Schäfer
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.50 |
IPD network creation games — •Jan Scholz
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.51 |
Impact of observational incompleteness on the structural properties of protein interaction networks — •Mathias Kuhnt, Ingmar Glauche, and Martin Greiner
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.52 |
Statistical significance of community structures in complex networks — •Jörg Reichardt and Stefan Bornholdt
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.53 |
Dynamics of language competition: bilingualism and local effects. — •Xavier Castelló, Victor M. Eguíluz, and Maxi San Miguel
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.54 |
The Network of Inter-Regional Direct Investment Stocks across Europe — •Joao M. Rodrigues, Stefano Battiston, and Hamza Zeytinoglu
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.55 |
Evolutionary Design of Robust Signal Transduction Networks — •Pablo Kaluza and Alexander S. Mikhailov
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.56 |
Directory trees created by computer users: Individuality vs. universality — •Konstantin Klemm, Victor M. Eguiluz, and Maxi San Miguel
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.57 |
Material and Information Flows in Production Networks — •Karsten Peters and Dirk Helbing
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.58 |
Initiating a Mexican wave: An instantaneous collective decision combining short and long range interactions — •Illes Farkas and Tamas Vicsek
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.59 |
Dynamics of Social Systems: Cooperation and Free-Riding — •Yiping Ma, Mirta B. Gordon, and Jean-Pierre Nadal
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.60 |
Fairness state with plastic preferences — •Elena Ramirez Barrios and Juan Guillermo Diaz Ochoa
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.61 |
Skiba thresholds in a model of controlled migration — •Feichtinger Gustav
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.62 |
Persistence problem in a socio-econo dynamics of the diluted Ising ferromagnet in high dimensions — •Takuya Yamano and Sudhir Jain
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.63 |
Metrics for a physics of organizational decision-making — •Bill Lawless
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.64 |
Collaborative Tagging and Semiotic Dynamics — •Ciro Cattuto, Vittorio Loreto, and Luciano Pietronero
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.65 |
Needs and decisions in ghetto — •Krzysztof Kulakowski
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.66 |
Modelling a public investment game: a dynamical approach — •Silvio R. Dahmen, Roberto da Silva, Ana L.C. Bazzan, and Alexandre Baraviera
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.67 |
An analytical solution of a wealth exchange model — •Przemyslaw Repetowicz and Peter Richmond
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.68 |
A model for social dynamics with controlled mass media. — •Juan Carlos González-Avella
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.69 |
Reactions to extreme events: moving threshold model — •Eduardo G. Altmann, Sarah Hallerberg, and Holger Kantz
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.70 |
From small world to hierarchic business information networks by reorganizations - a real world study of a failure — •Markus Christen, Georges Bongard, Attila Pausits, and Ruedi Stoop
16:00 |
AKSOE 10.71 |
Taxing Principles and their influence on Economy — •Alexei Vasilev and Alexander Chalyi