15:00 |
DS 24.1 |
Argon: bulk, sheets and nanotubes — •Karin Schmalzl, Maikel Rheinstaedter, and Dieter Strauch
15:00 |
DS 24.2 |
Self-Organized Surface Patterning — •Michael Hirtz, Xiaodong Chen, Harald Fuchs, and Lifeng Chi
15:00 |
DS 24.3 |
Reorganisation of ultrathin PEO films by water exposure — •Evelyn Meyer and Hans-Georg Braun
15:00 |
DS 24.4 |
Domain shape dynamics and local viscosity in stratifying foam films — •Peter Heinig
15:00 |
DS 24.5 |
Calculation of the Evolution of Surface Area and Free Volume During the Infiltration of Fiber Felts — •Andreas Pfrang, Katja Schladitz, Andreas Wiegmann, and Thomas Schimmel
15:00 |
DS 24.6 |
Growth of axially textured Bismuth layers on amorphous substrates — •Christian Patzig, Ingo Uschmann, Frank Schmidl, Ortrud Wehrhan, Matthias Grube, and Paul Seidel
15:00 |
DS 24.7 |
Method of Crystallization Mechanism Control During Epitaxy from Solution-Melt — •Yewgen Baganov, Stanislav Shutov, Vladislav Kurak, and Olena Andronova
15:00 |
DS 24.8 |
Decorated twin boundaries in homoepitaxy on Ir(111) — •Sebastian Bleikamp, Arne Thoma, Gerhard Pirug, and Thomas Michely
15:00 |
DS 24.9 |
Reactive Deposition of TiOx-Layers in a DC-Magnetron Discharge — •Stefan Wrehde, Marion Quaas, Hartmut Steffen, Oleg Zhigalov, Harm Wulff, and Rainer Hippler
15:00 |
DS 24.10 |
Oxide - noble metals - nanocomposites for gas sensing applications — •Sajid U. Khan, Giray Kartopu, Andre Piorra, Klaus Rätzke, Claus-Henning Solterbeck, and Mohammed Es-Souni
15:00 |
DS 24.11 |
Structural and optical characterization of CuAlO2 thin films prepared by RF reactive sputtering — •Yinmei Lu, Bin Yang, Angelika Polity, Christian Neumann, Dietmar Hasselkamp, Niklas Volbers, and Bruno K. Meyer
15:00 |
DS 24.12 |
Thickness Dependence of Optical Properties of Amorphous Indium Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Evaporation — •Kemal Ulutas and Deniz Deger
15:00 |
DS 24.13 |
Influence of optical concentration on the properties of Indium oxide thin films — •Nevin Kalkan
15:00 |
DS 24.14 |
Infrared spectroscopy of metallic nanostructures — •T. Kolb, M.E. Toimil-Molares, T.W. Cornelius, F. Neubrech, F. Kost, S. Karim, R. Neumann, A. Pucci, and G. Fahsold
15:00 |
DS 24.15 |
Reactively sputtered TiO2 layers on SnO2:F substrates: a Raman and SPS study — •Julius Mwabora, Klaus Ellmer, Abdelhak Belaidi, Jörg Rappich, and Thomas Dittrich
15:00 |
DS 24.16 |
Mechanisms of electron emission from silver cluster films under femtosecond laser excitation — •A. Gloskovskii, D.A. Valdaitsev, S.A. Nepijko, and G. Schönhense
15:00 |
DS 24.17 |
Growth and electronic structure of ultrathin KCl layers on Cu(111) — •Robin Ohmann, Michael Vogelgesang, Oguzhan Gürlü, Lars Diekhöner, M. Alexander Schneider, and Klaus Kern
15:00 |
DS 24.18 |
Electrical transport mechanisms in growing Pd thin films - modified by hydrogen loading — •Stefan Wagner, Olof Dankert, and Astrid Pundt
15:00 |
DS 24.19 |
Characterisation of thin PTFE-like fluorocarbon films produced using plasma deposition processes — •Vasil Yanev, Marcel Himmerlich, Stefan Krischok, Gabriel Kittler, Oliver Ambacher, and Juergen A. Schaefer
15:00 |
DS 24.20 |
Tuning the surface plasmon resonance in polymer-bimetallic (Au-Ag) nanocomposites — •Venkata Sai Kiran Chakravadhanula, Haile Takele, Henry Greve, Mady Elbahri, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, and Franz Faupel
15:00 |
DS 24.21 |
Optical and electrical detection of hydrogen at room temperature based on MgNi switchable mirrors — •Baker Farangis, Jennifer Stiebich, Bruno K. Meyer, and Dietmar Hasselkamp
15:00 |
DS 24.22 |
Electrical and optical properties of electrodeposited Cr ultra-thin films on Si (100) substrate — •Violeta Georgescu and Cristina Sirbu
15:00 |
DS 24.23 |
Annealing effects on VO2 thin films deposited by reactive sputtering — •Ganhua Fu, Angelika Polity, Niklas Volbers, and Bruno K. Meyer
15:00 |
DS 24.24 |
Indentation and shear of thin fluorocarbon films on silicon substrate — •Yonghe Liu, Mikhail Kosinskiy, Vasil Yanev, Stefan Krischok, and Juergen A. Schaefer
15:00 |
DS 24.25 |
Parameter screening for the chemical vapour deposition of BN films in the system B-N-H-F — •Jens Matheis, Dimitrios Sapounas, and Achim Lunk
15:00 |
DS 24.26 |
Substrate Temperature Control for Diamond Film Deposition — •Nicolas Wöhrl, Markus Degenhardt, and Volker Buck
15:00 |
DS 24.27 |
Investigation of the normal force dependency of the static friction on the micro-scale — •Maksim Karniychuk, Thomas Chudoba, Volker Linss, and Frank Richter
15:00 |
DS 24.28 |
Fabrication of ohmic Cr/Au contacts on top of cubic Boron Nitride thin films — •H. Yin, H.-G. Boyen, and P. Ziemann
15:00 |
DS 24.29 |
Production and characterization of bandwidth- and phase-optimised La/B4C-multilayer-mirrors for the reflection of ultra short X-ray pulses at 180eV — •Stefan Hendel, Ulrich Neuhäusler, Wiebke Hachmann, Ulf Kleineberg, and Ulrich Heinzmann
15:00 |
DS 24.30 |
Interfaces in Complex Organic Structures Investigated by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry — •Sascha Hermann, Ovidiu Gordan, Marion Friedrich, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 24.31 |
Hf silicide growth on Si(100) studied by angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction — •A. de Siervo, S. Dreiner, C. Flüchter, D. Weier, M. Schürmann, U. Berges, M. F. Carazzolle, A. Pancotti, R. Landers, G. G. Kleiman, and C. Westphal
15:00 |
DS 24.32 |
Application of white beam high energy X-ray diffraction to the analysis of near surface gradients — •Ingwer Denks, Manuela Klaus, and Christoph Genzel
15:00 |
DS 24.33 |
High-resolution elemental depth profiling of PIII&D deposited multilayer coatings by ion beam techniques combined with EFTEM — •Florian Schwarz, Jörg Lindner, Maik Häberlen, Götz Thorwarth, Claus Hammerl, Walter Assmann, and Bernd Stritzker
15:00 |
DS 24.34 |
Preparation of TEM cross-sections and HRTEM structure determination of thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films — •Thomas Riedl, Thomas Gemming, and Klaus Wetzig
15:00 |
DS 24.35 |
Modeling asymetric polarization hysteresis of BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures — •V. M. Voora, N. Ashkenov, T. Hofmann, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M Schubert
15:00 |
DS 24.36 |
Coherent X-Ray Reflectivity at the Energy Dispersive EDR-Beamline at BESSY II — •Tobias Panzner, Gudrun Gleber, Tushar Sant, Ivan Vartanyants, and Ullrich Pietsch
15:00 |
DS 24.37 |
FT-IR studies of Ag/MgO(001) — •Fanzhen Meng, Daniel Seibel, Gerhard Fahsold, and Annemarie Pucci
15:00 |
DS 24.38 |
Effect of film thickness on the microstructures of Indium - Indium oxide composite films — •Deniz Deger and Kemal Ulutas
15:00 |
DS 24.39 |
Direct Observation of Intermediate Phases of Pyrolytic Carbon by Atomic Force Microscopy — •Andreas Pfrang, Yong-Zhong Wan, and Thomas Schimmel
15:00 |
DS 24.40 |
FTIR-ATR study of the interface between Al2O3 and H-terminated SiC(0001) and Si(111) — •F. Speck, K.Y. Gao, K. Emtsev, Th. Seyller, and L. Ley
15:00 |
DS 24.41 |
Ultra thin Aluminium oxide films on silicon — •Mandana Roodbari Sh. and Ali Bahari
15:00 |
DS 24.42 |
Abscheidung von siliziumhaltigen Schichten auf Mikroteilchen in dielektrisch behinderten Plasmen unter Atmosphärendruck — •Marcel Hähnel, Volker Brüser, and Holger Kersten
15:00 |
DS 24.43 |
Electrophysical properties of TiN thin films deposited by plasma treatment — •Elena Shcherbakova
15:00 |
DS 24.44 |
Structural evolution in reactively sputtered copper nitride films — •F. Uslu, M. Luysberg, K. Sarakinos, P. Karimi, and M. Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 24.45 |
Self-organised pattern formation upon femtosecond laser ablation — •Olga Varlamova, Florenta Costache, Markus Ratzke, and Jürgen Reif
15:00 |
DS 24.46 |
Femtosecond Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Multi-layered Structures — •Lei Zhu, Florenta Costache, Markus Ratzke, and Jürgen Reif
15:00 |
DS 24.47 |
Structural and magnetic investigations on Mn-implanted beta-Iron-Disilicide — •Frank Stromberg, Helfried Reuther, and Werner Keune
15:00 |
DS 24.48 |
The New Neutron Reflectometer-NeRo — •Danica Solina, Dieter Lott, Ursula Tietze, Oliver Frank, Vincent Leiner, and Andreas Schreyer
15:00 |
DS 24.49 |
Effect of the Heat Treatment on the Structural and Optical Characteristics of Polycrystalline ZnTe Thin Films — •Rusu Gheorghe and Prepelita Petronela
15:00 |
DS 24.50 |
Magnetic and transport properties of electrodeposited Fe-Pt thin films — •Violeta Georgescu, Cristina Sirbu, and Mihaela Daub
15:00 |
DS 24.51 |
Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy in the VUV range for the characterisation of thin organic layer — •Philipp Myrach, Christoph Cobet, Regina Paßmann, Norbert Esser, and Wolfgang Richter
15:00 |
DS 24.52 |
Electrochemical Growth and Properties of Thin Polyaniline Films on p-Si (111) and Au (111): A Comparative Study — •Lidiya Komsiyska, Georgi Staikov, and Vessela Tsakova
15:00 |
DS 24.53 |
Effect of the Base Pressure on OMBD grown BCP Layers Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry — •Daniel Lehmann and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 24.54 |
Temperature Controlled Deposition of Thin Plasma Polymer Films Containing Hydroxyl Groups — •Jan Schäfer and Jürgen Meichsner
15:00 |
DS 24.55 |
Growth Studies on Organic Charge Transfer Materials: (ET)2Cu(NCS)2 — •Kerstin Keller, Florian Roth, Yoon-Jeong Lee, and Michael Huth
15:00 |
DS 24.56 |
Surface morphology of solid supported phospholipid membranes on self-organized, nanostructured semiconductor substrates — •Gerald Trummer, Christian Hofer, Gregor Hlawacek, and Christian Teichert
15:00 |
DS 24.57 |
Optical and structural properties of perylene films — •Stephan Kremers, Phenwisa Niyamakom, Maryam Beigmohamadi, Azadeh Farahzadi, Thomas Michely, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 24.58 |
Perfluorinated and nonfluorinated Vanadyle Phthalocyanine on gold - interface properties of two dipolar materials — •Indro Biswas, Heiko Peisert, Kanai Kaname, Nakano Tomohito, Seki Kazuhiko, Danilo Dini, Michael Hanack, and Thomas Chassé
15:00 |
DS 24.59 |
Plasma stabilization and increase of the deposition rate during reactive sputtering of metal oxides — •Daniel Severin, Oliver Kappertz, Tomas Nyberg, Sören Berg, Andreas Pflug, Michael Siemers, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 24.60 |
Reaktives Plasmajet-Ätzen - Wechselwirkungen mit Si-Oberflächen — •Thomas Arnold und Axel Schindler
15:00 |
DS 24.61 |
Development of Corrosion Resistant Mg-Alloys using Ion Beam Sputter Technologies — •Yvonne Bohne, Stephan Mändl, Bernd Rauschenbach, Carsten Blawert, and Wolfgang Dietzel
15:00 |
DS 24.62 |
Mechanical Properties of CoCr Alloys After Nitrogen PlasmaImmersion Ion Implantation — •Inga-Maria Eichentopf, Antje Lehmann, Jürgen W. Gerlach, and Stephan Mändl
15:00 |
DS 24.63 |
Correlation between Plasma Homogeneity and Lateral Ion Flux Distribution in Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation — •Johanna Lutz, Oliver Otto, and Stephan Mändl
15:00 |
DS 24.64 |
Grain Size as Proxy for Intragrain Nitrogen Diffusion in Ion Nitrided Austenitic Stainless Steel — •Darina Manova, Dietmar Hirsch, Stephan Mändl, Horst Neumann, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 24.65 |
Chemical Behavior and Corrosion Resistance of Medical Grade Titanium after Surface Modification by Means of Ion Implantation — •Frank Schrempel, Gerhard Hildebrand, Marion Frant, Klaus Liefeith, and Werner Wesch
15:00 |
DS 24.66 |
Burying Au-Nanoparticles into Si-Substrates by Ion-Irradiation — •Andreas Klimmer, Johannes Biskupek, Hans-Gerd Boyen, Ute Kaiser, and Paul Ziemann
15:00 |
DS 24.67 |
Interface optimization and templated self-organisation of Ni/Ag — •J. Petersen and S. G. Mayr
15:00 |
DS 24.68 |
Characterization of 1/f-Noise during the Transition from Crystalline to the Amorphous State of the Binary Metal Alloy AuIn2 by Ion Bombardment at Cryogenic Temperatures — •Moritz Trautvetter, Thomas Müller, and Paul Ziemann
15:00 |
DS 24.69 |
Ion beam technology as a solution for EUV lithography — •Jens Dienelt, H. Neumann, M. Kramer, E. Schubert, B. Rauschenbach, M. Nestler, A. Tarraf, and M. Schultze
15:00 |
DS 24.70 |
Characterization of ion implanted titanium surfaces for medical application — •Stefan Krischok, Claudia Blank, Michael Engel, Richard Gutt, Gernot Ecke, Jens Schawohl, Lothar Spieß, Klaus Liefeith, Gerhard Hildebrand, and Juergen A. Schaefer
15:00 |
DS 24.71 |
Nanostructure formation on ion eroded SiGe and Si surfaces — •Christian Hofer, Christian Teichert, Markus Wächter, Thomas Bobek, Heinrich Kurz, Klara Lyutovich, and Erich Kasper
15:00 |
DS 24.72 |
Growth of thin epitaxial titanium nitride films by using hyperthermal particle fluxes — •A. Wolfsteller, J.W. Gerlach, T. Höche, and B. Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 24.73 |
Properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition — •Patrick Schützendorf, Regina Dittmann, Bernd Holländer, Hermann Kohlstedt, and Rainer Waser
15:00 |
DS 24.74 |
Microstructure and mechanical properties of pulsed laser deposited PMMA and PMMA-metal structures — •Thorsten Scharf, Johanna Röder, Erik Süske, Jörg Faupel, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
15:00 |
DS 24.75 |
Process characterization of pulsed laser deposited PMMA — •Britta Lösekrug, Thorsten Scharf, Erik Süske, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
15:00 |
DS 24.76 |
Laser Nitriding of Titanium with various Lasers and Investigation of the Produced TiNx Coatings — •Daniel Höche, Hendrik Schikora, and Peter Schaaf
15:00 |
DS 24.77 |
Synthesis of FeCo thin films by advanced PLD — •Christian Lange, André Holz, Hendrik Schikora, and Peter Schaaf
15:00 |
DS 24.78 |
Pulsed laser deposition and ordering of thin FePt films — •André Holz, Christian Lange, and Peter Schaaf
15:00 |
DS 24.79 |
Charakterisierung von Mikrostrukturen mittels ortsaufgelöster RBS- und PIXE-Analyse — •Tilo Reinert and Christoph Meinecke