Dresden 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 15: Quantum Chaos
Montag, 27. März 2006, 15:00–17:00, SCH 251
15:00 |
DY 15.1 |
Fractal Classical Conductance Fluctuations — •Holger Hennig, Ragnar Fleischmann, and Lars Hufnagel
15:15 |
DY 15.2 |
From irregular subthreshold oscillations to intermittent spiking: canard explosion for a chaotic attractor — •Michael Zaks, Xaver Sailer , and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
15:30 |
DY 15.3 |
Microwave Billiards with broken Time Reversal Symmetry — •Florian Schäfer
15:45 |
DY 15.4 |
Spectral properties of mushroom billiards — •Thomas Friedrich
16:00 |
DY 15.5 |
Vortex and anti-vortex correlations in open microwave billiards — •Ruven Höhmann, Ulrich Kuhl, Young-Hee Kim, Michael Barth, and Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann
16:15 |
DY 15.6 |
Randomization of time-evolved wave-packets in chaotic quantum systems — •Nikolai Hlubek and Arnd Bäcker
16:30 |
DY 15.7 |
Dynamical tunneling in a mixed phase space — •Lars Schilling, Arnd Bäcker, Roland Ketzmerick, and Steffen Löck
16:45 |
DY 15.8 |
Description of optical microresonators: When rays suffice — •Martina Hentschel