DY 43: Signals and neuronal Networks
Donnerstag, 30. März 2006, 11:30–12:45, SCH 251
11:30 |
DY 43.1 |
Precise Timing in Strongly Heterogeneous Neural Networks with Delay — •Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer and Marc Timme
11:45 |
DY 43.2 |
Delay induced instability in a small neural network model — •Bernhard Heislbetz and Arne Wunderlin
12:00 |
DY 43.3 |
Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging Detects Quasi-Periodicities in Non-Stationary Data — •J. W. Kantelhardt, A. Bauer, A. Bunde, P. Barthel, R. Schneider, M. Malik, and G. Schmidt
12:15 |
DY 43.4 |
Influence of negative feedback on the dynamics of a stochastic signalling module — •Peter Borowski, Manoj Gopalakrishnan, Frank Jülicher, and Martin Zapotocky
12:30 |
DY 43.5 |
One dimensional driven lattice gas of dimers coupled to on-off bulk kinetics — •Paolo Pierobon, Thomas Franosch, Mauro Mobilia, and Erwin Frey