Dresden 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 10: Intermetallic phases
Montag, 27. März 2006, 16:30–17:45, IFW D
16:30 |
MM 10.1 |
Anomalous equilibrium volume change of magnetic Fe-Al crystals — •Martin Friák and Jörg Neugebauer
16:45 |
MM 10.2 |
Detecting low-temperature intermetallic compounds in the Ag-Pd-system - a first principles study — •E. Winning, S. Bärthlein, and S. Müller
17:00 |
MM 10.3 |
Electric conductivity of long-range ordered FeAl alloys clarified by ab-initio calculations — •Wilfried Wunderlich, Raimund Podloucky, Wolfgang Püschl, and Wolfgang Pfeiler
17:15 |
MM 10.4 |
The Re-containing Inconel 706 Alloy: 3DAP Measurements — •Vitaliy Kindrachuk, Nelia Wanderka, John Banhart, Dominique Del Genovese, and Joachim Rösler
17:30 |
MM 10.5 |
Metastable phase formation in Ti-Al-Nb undercooled melts — •Olga Shuleshova, H-Günther Lindenkreuz, Regina Hermann, Thomas George Woodcock, Wolfgang Löser, and Bernd Büchner