15:00 |
O 9.1 |
STM and LEED studies of α-sexithiophene on Au(111) — •Mario Kiel, Klaus Duncker, Christian Hagendorf, and Wolf Widdra
15:15 |
O 9.2 |
Comparison of gas– and condensed phase NEXAFS spectra of large organic molecules — •Florian Holch, Dominique Hübner, Achim Schöll, Rainer Fink, and Eberhard Umbach
15:30 |
O 9.3 |
Long-range order and polymerisation of sexithiophene on Ag(100) surfaces – a STM study — •Klaus Duncker, Sebastian Wedekind, Christian Hagendorf, and Wolf Widdra
15:45 |
O 9.4 |
Novel Tripod Ligands for Prickly Self-Assembled Monolayers — •Tobias Weidner, Andreas Krämer, Michael Zharnikov, Andrey Shaporenko, Dominik Enders, Ulrich Siemeling, and Frank Träger
16:00 |
O 9.5 |
Molecule-molecule vs. molecule-substrate interactions in 2D oligopyridine networks — •H.E. Hoster, M. Roos, Ch. Meier, A. Breitruck, B. Pluhar, M. Seyfried, K. Tonigold, and R.J. Behm
16:15 |
O 9.6 |
Two step adsorption of phenyl-functionalized tripod ligands on gold — •Tobias Weidner, Andreas Krämer, Tigran Vartanyan, Ulrich Siemeling, and Frank Träger
16:30 |
O 9.7 |
Coverage dependent structure of 2D networks formed by oligopyridines on Ag(111)/Ru(0001) Bonds — •Achim Breitruck, Matthias Roos, Christoph Meier, Ulrich Ziener, Mona Seyfried, Harry E. Hoster, and Rolf J. Behm
16:45 |
O 9.8 |
High thermal stability of electron cross-linked aromatic self-assembled monolayers — •Mohamed El-Desawy, Andrey Turchanin, and Armin Gölzhäuser
17:00 |
O 9.9 |
On the Origin of a Phase Transition in clean Porphyrin Films on a Silver (111) Surface — •H. Marbach, K. Comanici, F. Buchner, F. Maier, and H.-P. Steinrück
17:15 |
O 9.10 |
Electroless metal deposition on the surface of aromatic self-assembled monolayers — •Christoph T. Nottbohm, Andrey Turchanin, and Armin Gölzhäuser
17:30 |
O 9.11 |
Temperature effect in branching of photochemical reactions — •Zharnikov Michael, Andrey Shaporenko, Andrea Baumer, Dietrich Menzel, and Peter Feulner