VA 4: Instruments for neutrons
Montag, 27. März 2006, 14:40–17:40, HSZ 101
14:40 |
VA 4.1 |
Implementation of the Munich Spm at Nepomuc — •Christian Piochacz, Gottfried Kögel, Werner Egger, Peter Sperr, Werner Triftshäuser, and Günther Dollinger
15:00 |
VA 4.2 |
MIRA - A flexible instrument for long wave length neutrons — •Robert Georgii, Sebastian Mühlbauer, and Peter Böni
15:20 |
VA 4.3 |
Horizontal ToF-Reflectometer REFSANS at FRM-II: Potential and First Results — •Reinhard Kampmann, Martin Haese-Seiller, Valery Kudryashov, Bert Nickel, Christian Daniel, Wilhelm Fenzl, Kirstin Seidel, Andreas Schreyer, Erich Sackmann, and Joachim Rädler
15:40 |
VA 4.4 |
PANDA - first results from the cold three axes spectrometer at FRM-II — •Astrid Schneidewind, Peter Link, and Michael Loewenhaupt
16:00 |
VA 4.5 |
New facilities of the JCNS for ultra-high resolution neutron spectroscopy — •Michael Monkenbusch, Olaf Holderer, Michael Ohl, Ralf Biehl, and Dieter Richter
16:20 |
VA 4.6 |
The new V12a diffractometer at HMI and neutron computerized tomography — •Markus Strobl, Wolfgang Treimer, and André Hilger
16:40 |
VA 4.7 |
The new cold neutron radiography and tomography instrument CONRAD at HMI Berlin — •Nikolay Kardjilov, André Hilger, Ingo Manke, Markus Strobl, Wolfgang Treimer, and John Banhart
17:00 |
VA 4.8 |
A double monochromator device for the CONRAD radiography instrument at HMI and applications — •Markus Strobl, Nikolay Kardjilov, André Hilger, Wolfgang Treimer, and Ingo Manke
17:20 |
VA 4.9 |
Strain mapping by energy selective neutron radiography — •Nikolay Kardjilov, André Hilger, Ingo Manke, Markus Strobl, Wolfgang Treimer, and John Banhart