Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 11: Ultrakalte Atomphysik III
Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 10:40–12:25, H6
10:40 |
A 11.1 |
Atomic fountain clocks: recent results — •P. Rosenbusch, S. Bize, F. Chapelet, Ph. Laurent, H. Marion, C. Vian, Ch. Salomon, and A. Clairon
10:55 |
A 11.2 |
Precision spectroscopy with entangled states — •Michael Chwalla, Christian Roos, Dany Chek-al-kar, Mark Riebe, Jan Benhelm, Kihwan Kim, Piet Schmidt, Wolfgang Hänsel, Hartmut Häffner, Timo Körber und Rainer Blatt
11:10 |
A 11.3 |
Hydrodynamic shape oscillations in non-degenerate Bose gases — •Christian Buggle, Paolo Pedri, Wolf von Klitzing, and Johannes T.M. Walraven
11:25 |
A 11.4 |
Quantum reflection traps — •Javier Madronero, Alexander Jurisch, and Harald Friedrich
11:40 |
A 11.5 |
Cavity QED Detection of Interfering Matter Waves — •Tobias Donner, Thomas Bourdel, Stephan Ritter, Anton Öttl, Michael Köhl, and Tilman Esslinger
11:55 |
A 11.6 |
Laser Cooling of Barium — •Subhadeep De, Umakanth Dammalapati, Aran Mol, Klaus Jungmann, and Lorenz Willmann
12:10 |
A 11.7 |
Zeitdauer von Transmission und Quantenreflexion in langreichweitigen attraktiven Potenzialen — •Eskender Mesfin und Harald Friedrich