16:30 |
A 20.1 |
Relativistic classical and quantum dynamics in intense crossed laser beams — •M. Verschl and C. H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.2 |
Laserassistierter Elektronentransfer in p-Ne Stößen — •Tom Kirchner
16:30 |
A 20.3 |
The Role of Rescattering in the Multiphoton Detachment of Br− in a Strong Linearly Polarized Laser Field — •Boris Bergues, Hanspeter Helm, and Igor Yu. Kiyan
16:30 |
A 20.4 |
Mechanismen der Mehrfach-Ionisation von Atomen in intensiven fs Laserpulsen — •Bernold Feuerstein, Artem Rudenko, Thorsten Ergler, Karl Zrost, Claus Dieter Schröter, Robert Moshammer und Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 20.5 |
Impact of a static magnetic field on high harmonic spectra — •R. Fischer, C. H. Keitel, R. Jung, G. Pretzler, and O. Willi
16:30 |
A 20.6 |
Relativistic quantum optics in multiply charged ions — •Henrik G. Hetzheim, Guido R. Mocken, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.7 |
e+ e− -Paarbildung in starken Feldern — •Matthias Ruf, Guido R. Mocken, Carsten Müller, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan und Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.8 |
Wave Packet Evolution of Highly Relativistic Electrons — •D. Stiff, G. R. Mocken, and C. H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.9 |
Simultaneous real-time tracking of wave packets evolving on two different potential curves in H2+ and D2+ — •B. Ulrich, A. S. Alnaser, X. M. Tong, I. V. Litvinyuk, C. M. Maharjan, P. Ranitovic, T. Osipov, R. Ali, S. Ghimire, Z. Chang, C. D. Lin, and C. L. Cocke
16:30 |
A 20.10 |
Diatomic molecules in intense laser fields — •Stefan Voss, A. S. Alnaser, X.-M. Tong, T. Osipov, B. Ulrich, C. D. Lin, H. Schmidt-Boecking, R. Doerner, and C. L. Cocke
16:30 |
A 20.11 |
Dynamics of gas clusters exposed to VUV-FEL radiation: time-resolved scattering — •Ekaterina Eremina, Christoph Bostedt, Matthias Hoener, Heiko Thomas, and Thomas Möller
16:30 |
A 20.12 |
Experimente zur Multiphotonen-Ionisation von Atomen in intensiver VUV-FEL Strahlung — •Robert Moshammer, Lutz Foucar, Claus Dieter Schröter, Artem Rudenko, Thorsten Ergler, Daniel Fischer, Stefan Lüdemann, Jasmin Titze, Markus Schöffler, Till Jahnke, Thorsten Weber, Reinhard Dörner, Theo Zouros, Thomas Ferger, Kai-Uwe Kühnel, Karl Zrost, Alexander Dorn und Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 20.13 |
Imaging of Atomic Clusters with Intense Femtosecond XFEL Pulses — •Christian Gnodtke, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 20.14 |
Probing the cluster dynamics with atto-second VUV and XUV laser pulses — •Ionuţ Georgescu, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 20.15 |
Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Mass–Selected Metal Clusters using VUV-FEL Radiation — •V. Senz, T. Fischer, J. Stanzel, M. Neeb, F. Burmeister, M. Niemitz, T. Weber, U. Kramm, P. Oelssner, E. Rühl, M. Martins, H. Thomas, C. Bostedt, A. Czasch, W. Eberhardt, G. Ganteför, T. Möller, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, W. Wurth, J. Tiggesbäumker, and K. Meiwes-Broer
16:30 |
A 20.16 |
Ionisation and recombination in atto-second electric field pulses — •Julian Poloczek, Darko Dimitrovski, and John S. Briggs
16:30 |
A 20.17 |
Effects of weak hyperfine decoupling on metastability exchange optical pumping of 3He — •Marion Batz, Pierre-Jean Nacher, Geneviève Tastevin, and Werner Heil
16:30 |
A 20.18 |
Optical measurement of nuclear polarisation of 3He gas in arbitrary magnetic field — •Marion Batz, Pierre-Jean Nacher, Geneviève Tastevin, and Werner Heil
16:30 |
A 20.19 |
Relativistic gauge-invariant strong-field approximation for Above-Threshold Ionization — •Michael Klaiber, Karen Z Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.20 |
Doppelt angeregte Heliumatome in starken Magnetfeldern — •Armin Lühr und Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
A 20.21 |
Laser-assisted bremsstrahlung — •Erik Lötstedt, Stephan Schnez, Ulrich D. Jentschura, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 20.22 |
Muonic atoms in strong laser fields — •Atif Shahbaz, Carsten Müller, Thomas J. Bürvenich, and Christoph H. Keitel