Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 6: Ultrakalte Atomphysik II: Dynamik mit Bose-Einstein Kondensaten
Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 14:00–15:30, H6
14:00 |
A 6.1 |
Interaction-Induced Localization of an Impurity in a Trapped Bose Condensate — •Doerte Blume
14:30 |
A 6.2 |
BEC Magnetic Field Microscopy of Polycrystalline Gold Wires — •Simon Aigner, Leonardo Della Pietra, Ron Folman, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
14:45 |
A 6.3 |
Atomic current across an optical lattice — •Alexey Ponomarev, Javier Madronero, Andrey Kolovsky, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:00 |
A 6.4 |
Microscopic dynamics of Bose atoms in a parabolic lattice — •Andrey Kolovsky, Alexey Ponomarev, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
A 6.5 |
Thermally Induced Fluctuations of the Relative Phase between two Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Rudolf Gati, Börge Hemmerling, Timo Ottenstein, Jerome Esteve, and Markus K. Oberthaler