Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 12: Ultrafast Structural Changes
Montag, 13. März 2006, 14:00–16:00, H12
14:00 |
MO 12.1 |
Bewegte Bilder auf atomarer Längen- und Zeitskala: Femtosekunden Röntgenbeugung — •Matias Bargheer
14:30 |
MO 12.2 |
Transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an organischen Molekülkristallen aus DIABN — •Christopher Root, Peter Gilch, Markus Braun und Wolfgang Zinth
14:45 |
MO 12.3 |
Ultrafast X-ray diffraction study of the molecular crystal DIABN — •Clemens von Korff Schmising, Mareike Kiel, Matias Bargheer, Michael Woerner, Thomas Elsaesser, Christopher Root, Markus Braun, and Wolfgang Zinth
15:00 |
MO 12.4 |
Determination of the excited state twisting angle of the chromophore of green fluorescent protein — •Omar F. Mohammed, Anwar Usman, Jian Dong, Kyryl M. Solntsev, Erik T. J. Nibbering, and Laren M. Tolbert
15:15 |
MO 12.5 |
Structural Evolution in the Primary Stages of Trans/Cis Isomerization of the Chromophore in Photoactive Yellow Protein — •Karsten Heyne, Omar F. Mohammed, Anwar Usman, Jens Dreyer, Erik T.J. Nibbering, and Michael A. Cusanovich
15:30 |
MO 12.6 |
Multi-Photon Ionization of Molecular Nitrogen by Femtosecond Soft X-ray FEL Pulses — •Mathias Richter, Andrei A. Sorokin, Sergey V. Bobashev, and Kai Tiedtke
15:45 |
MO 12.7 |
A new method for molecule imaging — •Teodora Baeva