Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 14: Ultrafast IR and Raman Probe and Control
Montag, 13. März 2006, 16:30–18:30, H12
16:30 |
MO 14.1 |
Bulk ice at room temperature — •Marcus Schmeisser, Hristo Iglev, and Alfred Laubereau
16:45 |
MO 14.2 |
Ultrafast vibrational relaxation of the O–H bending mode in liquid H2O — •Satoshi Ashihara, Nils Huse, Erik T. J. Nibbering, and Thomas Elsaesser
17:00 |
MO 14.3 |
A picosecond thermometer and pressure gauge for H-bonded systems — •Marcus Schmeisser, Hristo Iglev, and Alfred Laubereau
17:15 |
MO 14.4 |
Liquid phase interactions studied with time resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering — •Tiago Buckup, Marcus Motzkus, Ricardo Correia, Júlio Schoffen, and Silvio Cunha
17:30 |
MO 14.5 |
Small Bandwidth 400 nm Pulses for Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy — •Hilmar Schachenmayr, Peter Gilch, and Stefan Laimgruber
17:45 |
MO 14.6 |
Ultrafast Dynamics of Molecules Exhibiting Double Minimum Potential — •A.V. Scaria, J. Konradi, A.K. Singh, and A. Materny
18:00 |
MO 14.7 |
Kontrolle der Produktausbeuten der Photofragmentation von Deuteriumchlorid-Ionen (DCl+): Cl + D+ ←DCl+→ Cl+ + D — •H. Georg Breunig, Alexandra Lauer, Mikhail V. Korolkov und Karl-Michael Weitzel
18:15 |
MO 14.8 |
Local control of molecular fragmentation: the role of orientation — •Philipp Marquetand, Christoph Meier, and Volker Engel