Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 42: Excitation and Coherence Decay
Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 14:00–16:00, H12
14:00 |
MO 42.1 |
Photoinduced multielectron dynamics in large finite systems: A two-color pump-probe mass-spectroscopic study on C60 — •I. Shchatsinin, T. Laarmann, A. Stalmashonak, N. Zhavoronkov, C. P. Schulz, and I. V. Hertel
14:15 |
MO 42.2 |
Femtosecond time resolved Experiments on the t-Butyl Radical — •Bastian Noller, Lionel Poisson, Raman Maksimenka und Ingo Fischer
14:30 |
MO 42.3 |
Xanthone in Water — Fast Intersystem Crossing and Intense Fluorescence — •Björn Heinz, Bernhard Schmidt, Christopher Root, Helmut Satzger, Franz Milota, Beat Fierz, Thomas Kiefhaber, Wolfgang Zinth, and Peter Gilch
14:45 |
MO 42.4 |
Molecular mechanisms of fluorensence quenching of organic pigments — •Lisa Lorenz, Victor Matylitsky, Karsten Neumann, and Josef Wachtveitl
15:00 |
MO 42.5 |
Anisotropie nicht entarteter und (quasi)-entarteter Systeme - dynamische und statische Eigenschaften — •Oliver Schalk und Andreas-Neil Unterreiner
15:15 |
MO 42.6 |
Ultrafast proton transfer and vibrational coherence in the gas phase — •Christian Schriever, Stefan Lochbrunner, and Eberhard Riedle
15:30 |
MO 42.7 |
Quantum interference oscillations of fs-photoionization of heavy alkali-doped Helium nanodroplets — •Marcel Mudrich, Oliver Bünermann, Georg Droppelmann, Patrick Claas, Claus-Peter Schulz, and Frank Stienkemeier
15:45 |
MO 42.8 |
Vibrational relaxation and wavepacket motion in electronically excited perylene dyes in solution — •Patrizia Krok, Ida Z. Kozma, Stefan Lochbrunner, and Eberhard Riedle