Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 71: Dynamics and Spectroscopy at Interfaces
Freitag, 17. März 2006, 10:40–12:25, H12
10:40 |
MO 71.1 |
Ultrafast heterogeneous electron transfer: escape dynamics of injected electrons — •Lars Gundlach, Ralph Ernstorfer, Jodi Szarko, Antje Neubauer, Liana Socaciu-Siebert, and Frank Willig
10:55 |
MO 71.2 |
Structural influence of the dye on the dynamics of ultrafast heterogeneous electron transfer in a dye/semiconductor system — •Antje Neubauer, Lars Gundlach, Liana Socaciu-Siebert, Jodi Szarko, Ralph Ernstorfer, Silke Felber, Guido Morbach, Rainer Eichberger, and Frank Willig
11:10 |
MO 71.3 |
Observation of pH dependent back-electron transfer dynamics in Alizarin - TiO2 adsorbates: Importance of trap states — •Matylitsky Victor , Lenz Martin, and Wachtveitl Josef
11:25 |
MO 71.4 |
Influence of the Organic Cappings of CdSe Nanoparticles on the Charge Carrier Relaxation Dynamics — •Tobias E. Schrader, Birgit von Holt, Stephan Malkmus, Thomas Brust, Wolfgang J. Schreier, Florian O. Koller, Stefan Kudera, Wolfgang Parak, and Markus Braun
11:40 |
MO 71.5 |
Molecular view of hidden interfaces — •Sylvie Roke
11:55 |
MO 71.6 |
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) with Nano-Structured Gold Surfaces — •M. Sackmann, T. Balster, and A. Materny
12:10 |
MO 71.7 |
Extreme Adsorption Capability of Nanodiamond and Detectability of Lysozyme Concentration by Fluorescence Method — •Victor Wei-Keh Wu and Kowa Chen