14:00 |
MS 5.1 |
New atomic masses related to fundamental physics measured with SMILETRAP — •Szilard Nagy, Tomas Fritioff, Markus Suhonen, Andreas Solders, Ingmar Bergström, and Reinhold Schuch
14:30 |
MS 5.2 |
High-accuracy mass measurements of short-lived nuclides with ISOLTRAP — •K. Blaum, S. Baruah, P. Delahaye, M. Dworschak, S. George, C. Guénaut, U. Hager, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, M. Marie-Jeanne, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, and C. Yazidjian
14:45 |
MS 5.3 |
Die Ramsey-Methode in der Präzisionsmassenspektrometrie mit Penning-Fallen — •Sebastian George, Klaus Blaum, Frank Herfurth, Alexander Herlert, Martin Kretzschmar, Stefan Schwarz, Lutz Schweikhard und Chabouh Yazidjian
15:00 |
MS 5.4 |
Optimization of the cyclotron frequency determination forhigh-accuracy mass measurements on short-lived radionuclides — •Michael Dworschak, Klaus Blaum, Sebastian George, Alexander Herlert, and Chabouh Yazidjian
15:15 |
MS 5.5 |
Development of a valve at cryogenic temperatures for Penningtrap experiments — •Dennis Neidherr, Klaus Blaum, Rafael Ferrer, Frank Herfurth, Christine Weber, and the HITRAP collaboration
15:30 |
MS 5.6 |
Non-destructive detection of image currents for high-accuracy mass measurements of short-lived nuclides — •Jens Ketelaer, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Rafael Ferrer, Stefan Stahl, Christine Weber, and the SHIPTRAP collaboration
15:45 |
MS 5.7 |
Technical developments for a non-destructive ion detection — •Rafael Ferrer, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Jens Ketelär, H.-Jürgen Kluge, Stefan Stahl, Christine Weber, and the SHIPTRAP Collaboration
16:00 |
MS 5.8 |
MATS - Measurements with an Advanced Trapping System at the future GSI facility FAIR — •Frank Herfurth and Klaus Blaum