Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 20: Photonische Kristalle I
Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 10:40–12:40, HI
10:40 |
Q 20.1 |
Bloch-mode Formation and Disorder in Coupled-Cavity Chains — •Björn M. Möller, Ulrike Woggon, and Mikhail V. Artemyev
10:55 |
Q 20.2 |
Near field studies of resonances in multistep photonic crystal heterostructure nanocavities. — •Sushil Mujumdar, A. Femius Koenderink, and Vahid Sandoghdar
11:10 |
Q 20.3 |
Interaction of Nanoscopic Particles with the Near Field of Photonic Crystal Structures — •Michael Barth and Oliver Benson
11:25 |
Q 20.4 |
Lauebeugung von sichtbarem Licht an periodischen Strukturen mit endlicher Ausdehnung — •Oliver Henneberg, Ullrich Pietsch und Norbert Lauinger
11:40 |
Q 20.5 |
Unconditionally stable time-domain simulations using Krylov-subspace methods — •Jens Niegemann, Martin Pototschnig, Lasha Tkeshlashvili, and Kurt Busch
11:55 |
Q 20.6 |
Characterization of macroporous silicon devices for Photonic Crystal-based spectroscopic gas sensors — •Stefan L. Schweizer, Torsten Geppert, Andreas von Rhein, Daniel Pergande, and Ralf B. Wehrspohn
12:10 |
Q 20.7 |
Tunable photonic crystal laser with integrated wavelength monitor — •Christian Ulzhöfer, Helmut Scherer, Martin Kamp, and Alfred Forchel
12:25 |
Q 20.8 |
Single mode photonic-crystal distributed feedback lasers — •Holger Hofmann, Helmut Scherer, Stefan Deubert, Johann-Peter Reithmaier, Martin Kamp, and Alfred Forchel