13:45 |
Q 25.1 |
Resonant modes and lasing in deterministically aperiodic nanopillar arrays — •Sergei V. Zhukovsky, Dmitry N. Chigrin, and Johann Kroha
14:00 |
Q 25.2 |
Photonic crystal cavities with high quality factors on GaAs membranes — •Thomas Sünner, Rafael Herrmann, Andreas Löffler, Johann-Peter Reithmaier, Martin Kamp, and Alfred Forchel
14:15 |
Q 25.3 |
Integrated Photonic Crystal Circuits: Comparison of FDTD Simulations and Scattering Matrix Calculations Based on Wannier Functions — •Javad Zarbakhsh, Daniel Hermann, Sergei Mingaleev, Kurt Hingerl, and Kurt Busch
14:30 |
Q 25.4 |
Nonlinear-optical response of metamaterials: Experimental demonstration of second-harmonic generation — •Matthias W. Klein, Christian Enkrich, Martin Wegener, Jens Förstner, Jerome V. Moloney, Walter Hoyer, Tineke Stroucken, Torsten Meier, Stephan W. Koch, and Stefan Linden
14:45 |
Q 25.5 |
Nonlinear-optical response of metamaterials: Theory — •Walter Hoyer, Tineke Stroucken, Torsten Meier, Stephan W. Koch, Jens Förstner, Jerome V. Moloney, Matthias W. Klein, Christian Enkrich, Martin Wegener, and Stefan Linden
15:00 |
Q 25.6 |
Femtosecond Laser Fabricated Components for Guiding and Focussing of Surface Plasmon Polaritons — •Sven Passinger, Carsten Reinhardt, and Boris N. Chichkov
15:15 |
Q 25.7 |
Correlation effects in disordered metallic photonic crystal slabs — •Dietmar Nau, Anja Schönhardt, Christina Bauer, André Christ, Thomas Zentgraf, Jürgen Kuhl, and Harald Giessen
15:30 |
Q 25.8 |
Analysis of Metamaterials using Equivalent Circuit Theory — •Liwei Fu, Heinz Schweizer, Hongcang Guo, Na Liu, and Harald Giessen
15:45 |
Q 25.9 |
Plasmonic/photonic structures in nanocomposte glass — •Heinrich Graener, Alexander Podlipensky, Amin Abdolvand, Oleksiy Kiriyenko, and Wolfram Hergert