Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 29: Poster Quanteneffekte
Dienstag, 14. März 2006, 16:30–18:30, Labsaal
16:30 |
Q 29.1 |
A narrow-band single photon source at room temperature — •Asli Ugur, Chunlang Wang, Vladimir Tchernychev, and Harald Weinfurter
16:30 |
Q 29.2 |
Cavity-QED experiments with single trapped Ca+ ions — •Carlos Russo, Eoin Phillips, Helena Barros, Thomas Monz, Christoph Becher, Piet Schmidt, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 29.3 |
Coherent Population Transfer by STIRAP in a Solid StateSystem — •Jens Klein and Thomas Halfmann
16:30 |
Q 29.4 |
Coherent Population Transfer via the Ionization Continuum in Helium — •Thorsten Peters, Leonid P. Yatsenko, and Thomas Halfmann
16:30 |
Q 29.5 |
Dekohärenz molekularer Konfigurationszustände — •Johannes Trost und Klaus Hornberger
16:30 |
Q 29.6 |
Efficient coherent population transfer induced by retroreflection-induced bichromatic adiabatic passage — •Alvaro Peralta Conde, Leonid P. Yatsenko, Jens Klein, Martin Oberst, and Thomas Halfmann
16:30 |
Q 29.7 |
Experimental setup for quantum tunneling control — •Ute Schnorrberger, Ramona Ettig, Elisabeth Kierig, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:30 |
Q 29.8 |
Hamiltonian Ratchets in Optical Lattices — •Sarah Kajari-Schröder and Eric Lutz
16:30 |
Q 29.9 |
Interference and entanglement of two massive particles — •Álvaro Tejero Cantero and Klaus Hornberger
16:30 |
Q 29.10 |
Normal mode splitting and mechanical effects of an optical lattice in a ring cavity — •Malik Lindholdt, Julian Klinner, Boris Nagorny, and Andreas Hemmerich
16:30 |
Q 29.11 |
Photon antibunching and superbunching via collectivity — •Mihai Macovei, Jörg Evers, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 29.12 |
Quantum statistical effects on scattered light from a pair of two-level atoms — •Tobias Görler, Giovanna Morigi, Priscilla Canizares Martinez, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 29.13 |
Two dimensional quantum networks — •Bernd Mohring, Igor Jex, and Wolfgang P. Schleich