16:30 |
Q 34.1 |
2D BEC in an optical surface trap — •A. D. Lange, B. Engeser, K. Pilch, A. Jaakkola, H.-C. Nägerl, and R. Grimm
16:30 |
Q 34.2 |
A Fermi mixture of 6Li and 40K — •Antje Ludewig, Tobias Tiecke, Steve Gensemer, and Jook Walraven
16:30 |
Q 34.3 |
A Quantum Scanning Electron Microscope for Ultracold Atoms — •Tatjana Gericke, Claudia Utfeld, and Herwig Ott
16:30 |
Q 34.4 |
Aufbau eines frequenzkamm-basierten Diodenlasersystems zur Synthese absoluter optischer Frequenzen — •Christian Gross, Thorsten Best und Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 34.5 |
Beugung eines Kondensats am magnetischen Gitter — •Andreas Günther, Sebastian Kraft, Claus Zimmermann und József Fortágh
16:30 |
Q 34.6 |
Bose-Einstein Kondensate in ungeordneten Potentialen — •R. Tiemeyer, T. Schulte, S. Drenkelforth, G. Kleine Büning, W. Ertmer und J. Arlt
16:30 |
Q 34.7 |
Detection of Bose-Einstein condensates with partially incoherent light — •Lars Neumann, Christoph Becker, Jochen Kronjäger, Kai Bongs, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 34.8 |
Excitations and correlations in the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates — •Thomas Ernst, Michael Hartung, Tobias Paul, Klaus Richter, and Peter Schlagheck
16:30 |
Q 34.9 |
Interacting Rubidium and Caesium atoms — •Michael Haas, Daniel Frese, Christian Grachtrup, Shincy John, Vanessa Leung, Dietmar Haubrich, Arno Rauschenbeutel und Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 34.10 |
Kalium-Rubibium Gemische in QUIC Falle: Erzeugung und Charakterisierung — •Ulrich Schneider, Thorsten Best, Tim Rom, Dries van Oosten und Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 34.11 |
Kohärente Kontrolle von Spindynamik in optischen Gittern — •Artur Widera, Simon Fölling, Fabrice Gerbier, Torben Müller, Olaf Mandel und Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 34.12 |
Long lifetime of Feshbach molecules made from bosonic atoms — •Dominik Bauer, Thomas Volz, Niels Syassen, Eberhard Hansis, Stephan Dürr, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
Q 34.13 |
Manipulation und Zustandspräparation von Fermi-Bose-Mischungen aus 87Rb und 40K mit RF, Mikrowellenstrahlung und Braggstreuung — •Manuel Succo, Christian Ospelkaus, Silke Ospelkaus-Schwarzer, Philip Ernst, Leif Humbert, Klaus Sengstock und Kai Bongs
16:30 |
Q 34.14 |
Many-body quantum states in few mode Hamiltonians and applications to bosonic spinor gases — •Carsten Weiß, Reinhold Walser, Lev Plimak, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 34.15 |
Micromanipulation of ultra-cold atoms close to conducting surfaces — •Bettina Fischer, Sebastian Hofferberth, Stephan Wildermuth, Thorsten Schumm, Daniel Gallego, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauritz Andersson, Peter Krueger, Jose Verdu, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
16:30 |
Q 34.16 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of a Bose gas in a double-well trap — •Kristan Temme and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 34.17 |
Superconducting Microtraps for Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Brian Kasch, Daniel Cano, Dieter Koelle, Reinhold Kleiner, Claus Zimmermann, and Jozsef Fortagh
16:30 |
Q 34.18 |
Towards Feshbach resonaces in an ultracold mixture of 6Li and 87Rb — •Carsten Marzok, Benjamin Deh, Christian Silber, Sebastian Günther, Philippe W. Courteille, and Claus Zimmermann
16:30 |
Q 34.19 |
Towards an All-Optical Realisation of a Quantum-Degenerate Potassium-40 Fermi-Gas — •Christian Bolkart, Alexander Gatto, and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
Q 34.20 |
Towards an atom laser by all-optical means — •Maic Zaiser, Tobias Müller, Thijs Wendrich, Michael Gilowski, Ernst Maria Rasel und Wolfgang Ertmer
16:30 |
Q 34.21 |
Transport of Bose-Einstein-Condensates in quantum dot potentials — •Michael Hartung, Tobias Paul, Klaus Richter, and Peter Schlagheck