16:30 |
Q 35.1 |
All-optical switching in metallic photonic crystals — •Dietmar Nau, Ralph P. Bertram, Karsten Buse, Thomas Zentgraf, Jürgen Kuhl, Sergei G. Tikhodeev, and Harald Giessen
16:30 |
Q 35.2 |
Director Fields and Optical Properties of Liquid Crystals in Photonic Crystals — •Heinz Kitzerow and Heinrich Matthias
16:30 |
Q 35.3 |
Effective mirror model for disordered quasi-1d photonic crystals — •Meikel Frank and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 35.4 |
Electrooptically Tunable Photonic Crystals — •Jan Hendrik Wülbern, Markus Schmidt, Manfred Eich, Uwe Hübner, Richard Boucher und Rudolf Zentel
16:30 |
Q 35.5 |
Emissionsspektrum eines mit Yb dotierten mikrostrukturierten Faserlasers — •Sergej Wexler, Klaus Mörl, Klaus Sengstock und Valeri Baev
16:30 |
Q 35.6 |
Interface Design in Photonic Crystals — •Daniel Hermann, Sergei Mingaleev, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 35.7 |
Microscopic self-consistent analysis of the light-matter coupling in semiconductor photonic-crystal structure — •Torsten Meier, Bernhard Pasenow, Matthias Reichelt, Tineke Stroucken, Armis R. Zakharian, Jerome V. Moloney, and Stephan W. Koch
16:30 |
Q 35.8 |
Nonlinear time-domain simulations with exponential integrators using Krylov-subspace methods — •Martin Pototschnig, Jens Niegemann, Lasha Tkeshelashvili, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 35.9 |
Numerical Investigation of Magnetic Metamaterials — •Sven Burger, Benjamin Kettner, Lin Zschiedrich, and Frank Schmidt
16:30 |
Q 35.10 |
Phase-resolved pulse propagation in metallic photonic crystal slabs — •Anja Schönhardt, Dietmar Nau, Hedi Gräbeldinger, Christina Bauer, and Harald Giessen
16:30 |
Q 35.11 |
Plasmonic metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors — •Jurana Hetterich, Ulf Geyer, Georg Bastian, Gero von Plessen, and Sergei G. Tikhodeev
16:30 |
Q 35.12 |
Properties of Low Refractive Index Supports Made of Mesoporous Silica — •Denan Konjhodzic, Helmut Bretinger, and Frank Marlow
16:30 |
Q 35.13 |
QED in an absorbing crystal: the fate of the band structure — •Andreas Kurcz and Carsten Henkel
16:30 |
Q 35.14 |
Tailoring the Rabi splitting of waveguide-plasmon polaritons — •Christina Bauer, Thomas Zentgraf, André Christ, Jürgen Kuhl, Sergei G. Tikhodeev, Nikolai A. Gippius, and Harald Giessen
16:30 |
Q 35.15 |
Tunable anisotropic defect structures in 2D photonic crystals using the Wannier function approach — •Patrick Mack, Matthias Schillinger, and Sergei Mingaleev
16:30 |
Q 35.16 |
Analysis of the resonance properties of Split-Ring Resonators in the near infra-red — •Thomas Zentgraf, Carsten Rockstuhl, Hongcang Guo, Na Liu, Christoph Etrich, Ingo Loa, Karl Syassen, Jürgen Kuhl, Falk Lederer, and Harald Giessen
16:30 |
Q 35.17 |
Metallo-dielectric photonic crystal superlattices — •T. Zentgraf, A. Christ, J. Kuhl, N. Gippius, S. Tikhodeev, and H. Giessen
16:30 |
Q 35.18 |
Photonische Kristallfasern mit spezifischer Funktionalität - Herstellung und Anwendung — •Jens Kobelke, Hartmut Bartelt, Kay Schuster, Johannes Kirchhof, Anka Schwuchow, Klaus Mörl und Hartmut Lehmann