Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 40: Quanteninformation III
Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 11:10–12:40, HI
11:10 |
Q 40.1 |
Cleaning noisy photons via cross phase modulation — •Michael Nock
11:25 |
Q 40.2 |
Experimental Atom-Photon Entanglement — •Markus Weber, Jürgen Volz, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, Stefan Berner, Peter Krebs, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter
11:40 |
Q 40.3 |
Entropy and Quantum Kolmogorov Complexity: a Quantum Brudno’s Theorem — •Markus Müller, Fabio Benatti, Tyll Krüger, Rainer Siegmund-Schultze, and Arleta Szkola
11:55 |
Q 40.4 |
Experimental Observation of the Four-Photon Entangled State W4(2) — •Christian Schmid, Nikolai Kiesel, Geza Toth, Enrique Solano, and Harald Weinfurter
12:10 |
Q 40.5 |
A realistic quantum gate on an atom chip — •Philipp Treutlein, Antonio Negretti, Tommaso Calarco, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Jakob Reichel
12:25 |
Q 40.6 |
Purifying and Reversible Physical Maps — •Matthias Kleinmann, Hermann Kampermann, Tim Meyer, and Dagmar Bruß