Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 59: Photonische Kristalle IV
Donnerstag, 16. März 2006, 11:10–12:55, HI
11:10 |
Q 59.1 |
Nicht-resonante Wechselwirkungen in nichtlinearen Photonischen Kristallen — •Johannes-Geert Hagmann, Lasha Tkeshelashvili und Kurt Busch
11:25 |
Q 59.2 |
Evolution of pulses in Kerr-nonlinear photonic crystals — •Sabine Essig, Lasha Tkeshelashvili, and Kurt Busch
11:40 |
Q 59.3 |
Dramatic enhancement of nonlinear optical frequency conversion efficiency in one-dimensional photonic crystals — •Christiane Becker, Sean Wong, Georg von Freymann, and Martin Wegener
11:55 |
Q 59.4 |
Photonic crystal waveguides in the IOSOI-material-system — •Daniel Pergande, Torsten M. Geppert, Alexey Milenin, Cecile Jamois, and Ralf B. Wehrspohn
12:10 |
Q 59.5 |
FEM Investigation of Light Propagation in Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers — •Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Ronald Holzlöhner, Roland Klose, Lin Zschiedrich, and Frank Schmidt
12:25 |
Q 59.6 |
Supercontinuum generation in planar rib waveguides — •Anton Husakou, Olga Fedotova, and Joachim Herrmann
12:40 |
Q 59.7 |
Mode interaction in coupled photonic crystal waveguides — •Nico Schorr, Helmut Scherer, Martin Kamp, Alfred Forchel, Klemens Janiak, and Helmut Heidrich