Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 7: Photonik in komplexen und periodischen Strukturen I
Montag, 13. März 2006, 11:10–12:40, H14
11:10 |
Q 7.1 |
Anisotropic Light Diffusion in Suspensions of Birefringent Colloids — •T. Gisler, K. Sandomirski, G. Maret, and H. Stark
11:25 |
Q 7.2 |
Talbot effect observed on microstructured surfaces — •Manuel Gonçalves, André Siegel, and Othmar Marti
11:40 |
Q 7.3 |
Optische Nichtlinearitäten in photonischen Bandlückenfasern mit hohlem Kern — •Erik Benkler, Axel Springhoff und Harald R. Telle
11:55 |
Q 7.4 |
Quantum-optical and classical spectroscopy with radiatively coupled multi quantum-wells — •Marco Werchner, Martin Schäfer, Walter Hoyer, Mackillo Kira, and Stephan W. Koch
12:10 |
Q 7.5 |
Symmetry Properties of Light-Matter Interaction in Chiral and Achiral Metamaterials — •Tineke Stroucken, Walter Hoyer, Torsten Meier, Stephan W. Koch, Matthias Reichelt, Jerry V. Moloney, and Ewan M. Wright
12:25 |
Q 7.6 |
Two-dimensional self trapped photonic lattices in anisotropic photorefractive media — •Bernd Terhalle, Nina Sagemerten, Denis Träger, Cornelia Denz, Anton S. Desyatnikov, Dragomir N. Neshev, Wieslaw Krolikowski, and Yuri S. Kivshar