Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 76: Poster Quantenkommunikation
Donnerstag, 16. März 2006, 16:30–18:30, Labsaal
16:30 |
Q 76.1 |
Asymptotic correctability of Bell-diagonal quantum states and maximum tolerable bit error rates — •Kedar Ranade and Gernot Alber
16:30 |
Q 76.2 |
Avalanche photodetection for applications with high repetition rates — •Hendrik Coldenstrodt and Christine Silberhorn
16:30 |
Q 76.3 |
Experimental Quantum State Distillation: comparison between single photon and homodyne detection — •Dominique Elser, Christoffer Wittmann, Stefan Lorenz, Radim Filip, Ulrik L. Andersen, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 76.4 |
Free-Space QKD — •Ivan Ordavo, Henning Weier, Tobias Schmitt-Manderbach, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter
16:30 |
Q 76.5 |
Generation of Single-Photon Pairs with Cold Atoms as Quantum Memory — •Thorsten Straßel, Yu-Ao Chen, Dennis Heine, Shuai Chen, Jörg Schmiedmayer, and Jian-Wei Pan
16:30 |
Q 76.6 |
STOKES PARAMETER SQUEEZING IN PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS — •Josip Milanovic, Ch. Marquardt, J. Heersink, U.L. Andersen, and G. Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 76.7 |
Secret key rate in tomographic quantum cryptography with a finite number of signals — •Tim Meyer, Matthias Kleinmann, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
16:30 |
Q 76.8 |
Quantum key distribution with decoy states generated by photon number resolution — •Wolfgang Mauerer and Christine Silberhorn