Frankfurt 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 9: Quanteninformation I
Montag, 13. März 2006, 14:00–16:00, HI
14:00 |
Q 9.1 |
Old and New in Entanglement Measures — •Matthias Christandl
14:15 |
Q 9.2 |
Single-Copy Entanglement, Criticality, and Entanglement-Area Laws in Quasi-Free Systems — •Marcus Cramer, Jens Eisert, Roman Orús, Julian Dreissig, Martin Plenio, and José Ignacio Latorre
14:30 |
Q 9.3 |
Approximating ground states with long-range entanglement using weighted graph states — •Simon Anders, Martin Plenio, Wolfgang Dür, and Hans J. Briegel
14:45 |
Q 9.4 |
Genuine three-partite entangled states with a local hidden variable model — •Geza Toth and Antonio Acin
15:00 |
Q 9.5 |
Two-setting Bell Inequalities for Graph States — •Geza Toth, Otfried Gühne, and Hans J. Briegel
15:15 |
Q 9.6 |
Optimal entanglement witnesses for continuous-variable systems — •Philipp Hyllus and Jens Eisert
15:30 |
Q 9.7 |
Entanglement studies on the valence-shell photoionization — •Thomas Radtke, Stephan Fritzsche, and Andrey Surzhykov
15:45 |
Q 9.8 |
Erzeugung quantenmechanisch verschränkter Zustände von vier bis acht Ionen — •Christian Roos, Hartmut Häffner, Wolfgang Hänsel, Jan Benhelm, Dany Chek-al-kar, Michael Chwalla, Timo Körber, Umakant Rapol, Mark Riebe, Piet Schmidt, Otfried Gühne, Wolfgang Dür und Rainer Blatt