14:00 |
EP 6.1 |
Non-destructive Trace Element Analysis of Presolar Stardust via XANES-PEEM — •Thomas Berg, Pasqual Bernhard, Jochen Maul, Nicole Erdmann, Christa Sudek, Ulrich Ott, and Gerd Schönhense
14:00 |
EP 6.2 |
Rosetta Radio Science Investigations (RSI) — •Silvia Tellmann, Martin Pätzold, Bernd Häusler und RSI Team
14:00 |
EP 6.3 |
A Trajectory Sensor for Space Dust — •Eberhard Grün, Ralf Srama, Andre Srowig, Sascha Kempf, Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer, Siegfried Auer, and Stefan Helfert
14:00 |
EP 6.4 |
A NEW LARGE AREA TOF MASS SPECTROMETER — •Ralf Srama, Michael Rachev, Stefan Helfert, Sascha Kempf, Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer, Anna Mocker, Frank Postberg, and Eberhard Grün
14:00 |
EP 6.5 |
COSTEP/SOHO observations of energetic electrons far upstream of the Earth’s bow–shock — •Andreas Klassen, Raul Gomez-Herrero, Eckart Böhm, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, Bernd Heber, and Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber
14:00 |
EP 6.6 |
From Sun to Earth: The January 20, 2005 Space Weather Event — •Christian T. Steigies, Andreas Klassen, Karin Bamert, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
14:00 |
EP 6.7 |
Ion Acceleration and Wave-Particle Interaction at the Interplanetary Shocks Associated with the Halloween 2003 and the 20 January 2005 Events: SOHO/HSTOF, SOHO/EPHIN, and ACE/MAG Observations — •Karin Bamert, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Reinald Kallenbach, Martin Hilchenbach, Bernd Heber, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, Andreas Klassen, and Charles W. Smith
14:00 |
EP 6.8 |
The November 1, 2004 Solar Energetic Particle Event: SOHO/COSTEP observations — •R. Gómez-Herrero, A. Klassen, R. Müller-Mellin, B. Heber, and R. Wimmer-Schweingruber
14:00 |
EP 6.9 |
CLUSTER spacecraft observations of current sheets at the Earth*s magnetopause — •E.V. Panov, J. Büchner, M. Fränz, A. Korth, K.-H. Fornaçon, I. Dandouras, and H. Rème
14:00 |
EP 6.10 |
Interaction between Hot Jupiters and their central stars — •Sabine Preusse, Andreas Kopp, Jörg Büchner, and Uwe Motschmann
14:00 |
EP 6.11 |
Ein Multifluidmodell für staubige Plasmen — •Andreas Kopp
14:00 |
EP 6.12 |
Charging of dust grains within Saturn’s magnetosphere — •Uwe Beckmann, Sascha Kempf, Ralf Srama, Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer, Stefan Helfert, and Eberhard Grün
14:00 |
EP 6.13 |
New observations of Phobos, Deimos, and their shadows with the HRSC/SRC on Mars Express — •Jürgen Oberst, Klaus-Dieter Matz, Thomas Roatsch, Bernd Giese, Harald Hoffmann, and Gerhard Neukum
14:00 |
EP 6.14 |
Kombination planetarer Datensätze mit Hilfe geographischer Informationssysteme am Beispiel Mars — •Peter Saiger, Ralf Jaumann und Gerhard Neukum
14:00 |
EP 6.15 |
Untersuchung zur bevorzugten Hangexposition von Erosionsrinnen in den nördlichen Tiefebenen des Mars mit HRSC-Daten — •Thomas Kneissl, Dennis Reiß, Ralf Jaumann und Gerhard Neukum