14:00 |
UP 15.1 |
Ozone Depletion Events, in the Polar Boundary Layer in Spring: A Model Study — •Matthias Piot and Roland von Glasow
14:00 |
UP 15.2 |
Retrieval of tropospheric NO2 by synergistic use of ENVISAT/SCIAMACHY and ground-based solar FTIR measurements at the Zugspitze — •Ralf Sussmann, Wolfgang Stremme, Johan P. Burrows, Andreas Richter, Wolfgang Seiler, and Markus Rettinger
14:00 |
UP 15.3 |
Modeling halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes — •Roland von Glasow, Nicole Bobrowski, and Alessandro Aiuppa
14:00 |
UP 15.4 |
Ground-based solar absorption measurements of CH4 — •Thorsten Warneke, Justus Notholt, Voltaire Velazco, Katinka Peterson, and Otto Schrems
14:00 |
UP 15.5 |
Ground-based solar absorption measurements of CO - satellite validation and model comparison — •Voltaire Velazco, Justus Notholt, Thorsten Warneke, and Otto Schrems
14:00 |
UP 15.6 |
Ground-based solar absorption measurements of CO2 — •Ronald Macatangay, Justus Notholt, Thorsten Warneke, and Christoph Gerbig
14:00 |
UP 15.7 |
Analysis of NOx mixing ratios in the middle atmosphere determined by HALOE data — •Shahin Kazeminejad, Justus Notholt, John.P Burrows, Christian von Savigny, and Miriam Sinnhuber
14:00 |
UP 15.8 |
Dated speleothems: archives of the paleoenvironment (DAPHNE) — •Augusto Mangini
14:00 |
UP 15.9 |
Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC) - Objectives and scientific chances. — •Christoph Kern, Nicole Bobrowski, Ulrich Platt, and Bo Galle
14:00 |
UP 15.10 |
SCIAMACHY global cloud products — •Alexander Kokhanovsky, Vladimir Rozanov, Wolfgang Hoyningen-Huene, Marco Vountas, Wolfhardt Lotz, and John Burrows
14:00 |
UP 15.11 |
The retrieval of oxygenated volatile organic compounds by remote sensing techniques — •Folkard Wittrock, Andreas Heckel, Hilke Oetjen, Andreas Richter, and John P. Burrows
14:00 |
UP 15.12 |
GOME and SCIAMACHY Measurements of tropospheric SO2 — •Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock, and John P. Burrows
14:00 |
UP 15.13 |
Comparison of modelled and measured chlorine dioxide slant columns for the arctic winter 2004/2005 — •Hilke Oetjen, Thomas Medeke, Andreas Richter, Ninad Sheode, Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, Folkard Wittrock, and John P. Burrows