UP 26: Atmosph
äre und Aerosole: Datenauswertung und Modellierung
Mittwoch, 15. März 2006, 14:30–15:45, E
14:30 |
UP 26.1 |
Model sensitivity studies on atmospheric iodine chemistry and coastal nucleation events — •Susanne Pechtl and Roland von Glasow
14:45 |
UP 26.2 |
Comparison of measured and modelled stratospheric BrO profiles: The need for short-lived bromo-organic source gases — •Marcel Dorf, Harmut Bösch, Andre Butz, Claude Camy-Peyret, Martyn Chipperfield, Katja Grunow, Lena Kritten, Benjamin Simmes, Frank Weidner, and Klaus Pfeilsticker
15:00 |
UP 26.3 |
SCIAMACHY Limb Messungen von NO2, BrO und OClO — •Sven Kühl, Janis Pukite, Walburga Wilms-Grabe, Ulrich Platt und Thomas Wagner
15:15 |
UP 26.4 |
Retrieval of mesopheric Mg/Mg+ from SCIAMACHY limb data — •Marco Scharringhausen, Art C. Aikin, John P. Burrows, Justus Notholt, Christian von Savigny, Nadine Wieters, and Miriam Sinnhuber
15:30 |
UP 26.5 |
Tomographic retrieval of MIPAS measurements in the UTLS region — •Tilman Steck and Michael Höpfner