München 2006 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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GR: Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 303: Alternative Ans
ätze und grundlegende Probleme
GR 303.1: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2006, 17:10–17:30, K
Representation of the dimensionless constants of nature as function of proton and electron properties — •Karl Otto Greulich — FLI Beutenbergstr.11 07745 Jena
The spectroscopic fine structure constant alpha = 1 / 137.037 and the gravitation factor gamma = 2.2683 * 10 exp39 are expressed as combination of proton, electron and Planck - mass and electron radius and Planck - length. When me, mprot and re are expressed as multiples of the corresponding Planck quantities, i. e. with mprot = Mprot * mPlanck, me= Me* mPlanck and re = Re * 0.5 * lPlanck, the system of universal constants of nature becomes
alpha = Re * Me, beta = Mp / Me gamma = Re / Mp .
The quantitative values of alpha and gamma can thus be derived from physically well defined quantities. The longstanding question whether alpha or gamma may have changed during the evolution of the Universe can now be reduced to the question whether the properties of the electron and proton have changed.