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GR: Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 303: Alternative Ans
ätze und grundlegende Probleme
GR 303.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2006, 17:50–18:10, K
Special Relativity - Derived from a General Particle Structure — •Albrecht Giese — Taxusweg 15, 22605 Hamburg
During the 20th century, the thinking of physicists was strongly governed by the paradigm that the laws of physics should be based on general principles, like the Relativity Principle of Einstein. This was the driving force behind such theories as Relativity and QM.
In spite of this prevailing mindset, the talk presented here will show, that the principle governing SR can in fact be deduced from lower level structural facts in particle physics. For the electron these have been uncovered in the 1920ies (P. Dirac, E. Schrödinger), but were later No-dqforgottenNo-dq. Following the considerations of these authors, every elementary particle can be assumed to be composed of two ’basic’ particles with zero mass, that orbit each other at the speed of light ’c’. It will be shown that this approach results in the same formalism as given by Einstein (i.e. the Lorentz transformation), and it explains the phenomena contraction, dilation, mass increase, the mass-energy relation in an easy way. Also it provides additional insight into other issues, like the constancy of the speed of light ’c’ and related physical constants.