München 2006 – scientific programme
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GR: Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 404: Quantengravitation: andere Zug
GR 404.4: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 17:30–17:50, K
Quantizing Dilaton Gravity with Fermions — •René Meyer — Universität Leipzig, Institut für theoretische Physik, Vor dem Hospitaltore 1, 04103 Leipzig
Generalized Dilaton Theories (GDTs) in two dimensions arise in numerous contexts, e.g. from spherical reduction of Einstein-Hilbert gravity from higher dimensions, in the low energy effective limit in string theory or as toy models for black hole evaporation. They can be subsumed into one general action, matter can be added and supersymmetry can be imposed.
The purpose of the talk is to show that in non-supersymmetric GDTs coupled to fermions the path integration over the geometric fields can be carried out exactly. The result is a non-local effective action which already contains all the backreactions between matter and geometry. Perturbation theory in the fermion fields shows that already on tree level intermediary states corresponding to Virtual Black Holes exist.