München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 17: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 17.1: Talk
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 14:00–14:15, C
Search for tensor couplings in the weak interaction using 6He+ ions and a transparent Paul trap — •D. Rodríguez1, G Ban1, D. Durand1, X. Fléchard1, M. Herbane2, M. Labalme1, E. Liénard1, F. Mauger1, A. Méry1, and O. Naviliat-Cuncic1 — 1IN2P3, LPC-ENSICAEN, 6 Bd du Maréchal Juin 14050, Caen Cedex, France — 2IKS KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B3001 Leuven, Belgium
According to the Standard Model (SM), nuclear β decay is mediated by the exchange of W± bosons which result in
vector (V) and axial-vector (A) couplings. Other couplings such as scalar (S), pseudoscalar (P) or tensor (T), are allowed by
Lorentz invariance but forbidden within the SM. The search for the presence of such interactions requires high-precision experiments.
In this contribution, we report on an experiment aimed at determining the β-ν angular correlation coefficent a in the
decay of 6He. The experiment is under commissioning at GANIL after coupling the LPCTrap to the low energy
beam line of the SPIRAL source. The radioactive ion beam with an energy of 10-34 keV is decelerated and cooled down to
energies of the order of eV. The ions are then captured in the trap. The parameter a is determined by measuring the time of flight
of the recoil ions (6Li++) in coincidence with the β particles. In this contribution, a detailed description of the
system will be given, the results from the first experiment with 6He+ ions will be presented, and the different sources of
uncertainty in the determination of a will be discussed.