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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 21: Postersitzung
HK 21.23: Poster
Dienstag, 21. März 2006, 15:30–17:00, P
Time-resolved Schottky mass measurements of neutron-rich heavy nuclides — •L. Chen1,2, K. Beckert2, P. Beller2, F. Bosch2, D. Boutin2, J. Carroll3, R.S. Chakrawarthy4, D. Cullen5, B. Franzke2, H. Geissel1,2, J. Gerl2, G. Jones6, A. Kishada5, O. Klepper2, R. Knöbel1,2, C. Kozhuharov2, S.A. Litvinov1,2, Yu.A. Litvinov1,2, Z. Liu6, S. Mandal2, M. Matoš2,7, F. Montes2,7, G. Münzenberg2, F. Nolden2, Yu.N. Novikov8, W.R. Plaß1, Z. Podolyak6, R. Propri3, S. Rigby5, N. Saito2, T. Saito2, C. Scheidenberger2, M. Shindo9, M. Steck2, P. Ugorowski3, G. Vorobjev2, P.M. Walker6, H Weick2, S. Williams6, M. Winkler2, and H.-J. Wollersheim2 — 1JLU, Giessen — 2GSI, Darmstadt — 3SU, Youngstown — 4TRIUMF, Vancouver — 5Uni. Manchester — 6Uni. Surrey — 7MSU, East Lansing — 8PNPI, Gatchina — 9Uni. Tokyo
Progress is reported on the data analysis of a recent experiment at the FRS-ESR facilities. 670 MeV/u 238U primary beam was fragmented in 4 g/cm2 9Be target placed in front of the fragment separator FRS. The FRS separated neutron-rich fragments in flight, which were then injected into the storage-cooler ring ESR. Time resolved Schottky Mass Spectrometry was applied to measure the revolution frequencies of stored and electron-cooled ions. The results on masses and/or new isomeric states of neutron-rich nuclei in the lead area will be presented.