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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 21: Postersitzung
HK 21.33: Poster
Dienstag, 21. März 2006, 15:30–17:00, P
The recoil coincidences technique for light nuclei — •Tz. Kokalova1, H.G. Bohlen1, W. von Oertzen1,2, C. Wheldon1, M. Freer3, P. McEwan3, N. Ashwood3, N. Curtis3, Th. Bloxham3, R. Kalpakchieva4, and T. Massey5 — 1Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin, Germany — 2Freie Universität Berlin, Germany — 3University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK — 4Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Dubna, Russia — 5Ohio University, Athens, USA
We have studied the structure of the neutron-rich isotope 11Be using the 2n-transfer reaction 9Be(16O, 14O)11Be at Elab=232 MeV. The experiment has been performed at ISL, Berlin, using the Q3D magnetic spectrometer and four Si-strip detectors. The coincidence measurement was performed as follows: the ejectile was detected at the focal plane of the Q3D and the charged particles from the decay of the recoil nucleus in the silicon strip detectors. The technique and the current status of the data analysis will be presented.