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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 21: Postersitzung
HK 21.37: Poster
Dienstag, 21. März 2006, 15:30–17:00, P
K0 and Λ inclusive cross section measured with FOPI using a π− beam at 1.15 GeV/c — •Mohamed Lotfi Benabderrahmane — Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg
The study of hadron properties in dense nuclear matter using nucleus-nucleus collisions is a major goal of heavy-ion physics. In-medium modifications of hadron masses have been studied in heavy-ion collisions at densities up to 2−3· ρ0. In particular, kaon production has attracted considerable interest as a possible indication of the restoration of chiral symmetry and kaon condensation in neutron stars. In-medium strangeness production can be studied at normal nuclear matter density (ρ=ρ0) using π−-induced reactions. Theoretical calculations using the quark-meson coupling model [1], suggest that due to in-medium modifications of kaons, there should be a change in the production thresholds and the cross section of the reaction: π−+N → KY . In August 2004, π−-induced reactions were studied with FOPI at SIS (GSI) at an incident momentum of 1.15 GeV/c. Data were taken for five different targets: C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb. The scaling behaviour of the cross section with target mass will be presented as well as the comparison of the phase-space distributions with transport models. First results on the exclusive channel where both, the K0 and the Λ are reconstructed in the same event will also be reported.
[1] K. Tsushima, A. Sibirtsev, A.W. Thomas, Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 064904; K. Saito, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas hep-ph/0506314