München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 21: Postersitzung
HK 21.54: Poster
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 15:30–17:00, P
Experiments to investigate halflives and Pn-values of weak r-process nuclei at NSCL/MSU * — •L. Kern — Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, 64289*Darmstadt, Germany
The astrophysical r-process is responsible for
the synthesis of roughly half of the elements heavier than iron.
Studying the involved nuclei presents a challenge, as they lie far from the valley of stability.
In the context of r-process studies at NSCL/MSU two experiments on
neutron-rich isotopes in the Ge-Br and Sr-Mo region have been
performed. Isotopes were produced by fragmentation of a 120 MeV/u
136Xe beam on a Be target at the A1900 fragment
seperator. Nuclei of interest were implanted into a 40x40 double
sided strip detector, which is part of a β-counting-system
surrounded by neutron detector NERO. NERO consists of 60
proportional counters embedded in
a plastic block moderator - leading to a high detection efficiency.
During the experiments halflives and Pn-values have been
measured as input for future r-process network calculations.
* This project has been supported by NSF PHY 01-10253 (NSCL), NSF PHY
02-16783(JINA), NSF (Notre Dame) HGF-VISTARS and *DFG.