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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 24: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 24.1: Gruppenbericht
Dienstag, 21. März 2006, 17:00–17:30, C
Relativistic Projectile Coulomb Excitation to the Yrast and Non-yrast2+ States with the Rare Isotope Beams of 134Ce and 136Nd — •T.R. Saito1, N. Saito1, K. Starosta2, D.L. Balabanski3, A. Bracco4, and C.M. Petrache5 — 1GSI — 2NSCL, MSU — 3University of Sofia — 4Universitä di Milano — 5Camerino and INFN Perugia
Relativistic Coulomb excitation of 134Ce and 136Nd projectiles at approximately 100 A MeV on a gold target with a thickness of 0.4 g/cm2 was performed with the RISING-FRS setup at GSI in order to measure reduced E2 transition probability, B(E2), of the transitions depopulating the second 2+ states, which could provide unique information on the nuclear triaxiality. Single-step Coulomb excitation to the first and second 2+ states has been observed with measurements of γ -rays depopulating these states by the RISING germanium detector array with EUROBALL cluster and MINIBALL detectors, and B(E2) of transitions from these states have been deduced by normalizing to the known B(E2) of the transition from the first 2+ state to the ground state in 134Ce. Particle-γ angular correlation of the E2 transition from the first 2+ state in 134Ce has been measured, and an isotropic distribution has been observed.