München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 32: Instrumentation und Anwendungen
HK 32.1: Group Report
Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 14:00–14:30, H
A recoil detector to measure hard exclusive reactions at HERMES — •Tibor Keri — II.Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Giessen, Heinrich Buff Ring 16, 35392 Giessen
The study of a new class of reactions – hard exclusive processes– requires a recoil detector surrounding the internal gas target of the HERMES experiment at DESY to be installed. This recoil detector will improve the selection of exclusive events by a direct measurement of the momentum and track direction of the recoiling particle as well as by rejecting non-exclusive background. The HERMES recoil detector consists of three main components. The innermost layer of this recoil detector is a silicon strip detector (SSD) operated in vaccuum to ensure a low momentum threshold. The outer layers will consist of a newly developed scintillating fibre tracker. In addition to tracking particles with large momenta it will also provide the particle identification properties for particles inside the recoil detectors acceptance as the energy deposition in the scintillating fibres is measured as well. The outmost detector consists of a three layer tungsten-scintillator sandwich for photon detection. In this report, the design, assembly and calibration of the final setup in a cosmics test run and the implementation within the HERMES experiment will be presented. Results from detector tests using proton, pion and electron beams and cosmic radiation will be shown as well as the anticipated and very early performance of the final setup.