München 2006 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 35: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 35.4: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2006, 17:45–18:00, C
Binary fission and Coplanar Ternary Cluster Decay from Hyper-deformed States in 60Zn. — •V. Zherebchevsky1,2,3, W. von Oertzen1,2, D. Kamanin4, S. Thummerer1, H.G. Bohlen1, B. Gebauer1, Tz. Kokalova1, Ch. Schulz1, and C. Wheldon1 — 1Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin, Germany — 2Freie Univesität Berlin, Germany — 3St. Pertersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia — 4Flerov laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Dubna, Russia
Binary and ternary cluster decay of 60Zn compound nuclei at high angular momentum,formed in the 36Ar + 24Mg reaction at Elab(36Ar) = 195 MeV, have been measured in a unique kinematic coincidence set-up consisting of two large area position sensitive (x,y) gas detector telescopes with Bragg-ionisation chambers(BRS). The BRS gives the opportunity to measure the reaction angles in- and out-of-plane and through Bragg-curve spectroscopy a complete identification of the nuclear charge for different final channels. Also the yields of the binary and non-binary channels with missing mass up to A=18 have been determined. We observed very narrow out-of-plane angular correlations for two heavy fragments emitted in either purely binary events or in events with a missing mass consisting of 2 and 3 α-particles. The latter correlations are interpreted as ternary fission decay from compound nuclei at high angular momenta through an elongated (hyper-deformed) shape with very large moment of inertia, where the lighter mass in the neck region remains at rest or with very low momentum in the center of mass.