16:30 |
HK 39.1 |
Scale Dependence of Mean Transverse Momentum Fluctuations at Top SPS Energy — •Georgios Tsiledakis
17:00 |
HK 39.2 |
Produktion von φ-Mesonen in Schwerionenkollisionen bei SPS-Energien — •V. Friese, C. Alt, C. Blume, P. Dinkelaker, D. Flierl, M. Gazdzicki, C. Höhne, M. Kliemant, S. Kniege, B. Lungwitz, M. Mitrovski, M. Otto, F. Pühlhofer, R. Renfordt, A. Sandoval, R. Stock, C. Strabel und H. Ströbele
17:30 |
HK 39.3 |
Dielectron production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon. — •Sergey Yurevich
17:45 |
HK 39.4 |
The measurement of the neutral kaon production in central Pb-Au collisions at CERN SPS top energy — •Sylwester Radomski
18:00 |
HK 39.5 |
Production of KS0 and Λ at High Transverse Momentum in Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV* — •T. Schuster, C. Alt, C. Blume, P. Dinkelaker, D. Flierl, V. Friese, M. Gaździcki, C. Höhne, M. Kliemant, S. Kniege, B. Lungwitz, M. Mitrovski, M. Otto, R. Renfordt, A. Sandoval, R. Stock, C. Strabel, and H. Ströbele
18:15 |
HK 39.6 |
Energy dependence of Ks0 production in central Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS — •Claudia Strabel, C. Alt, C. Blume, P. Dinkelaker, D. Flierl, V. Friese, M. Gaździcki, C. Höhne, M. Kliemant, S. Kniege, B. Lungwitz, M. Mitrovski, M. Otto, R. Renfordt, A. Sandoval, R. Stock, and H. Ströbele