München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 4: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 4.5: Talk
Monday, March 20, 2006, 15:00–15:15, C
Search for E0 Transitions in Mg Isotopes around the Island of Inversion* — •W. Schwerdtfeger1, D. Habs1, T. Kröll2, R. Krücken2, T. Morgan1, O. Schaile1, M. Sewtz1, P. Thirolf1, and K. Wimmer1 — 1Department für Physik, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München — 2E12, Technische Universität München
Around the island of inversion a coexistence of spherical and deformed 0+
states in neutron rich Mg nuclei is predicted. Resulting from a fast timing
experiment on 30Mg at ISOLDE the 1789 keV state is expected to be a
candidate for the deformed 0+ state with a potentially strong E0 decay
branch to the sperical 0+ groundstate. To search for this decay an
experiment was performed using a Mini-Orange spectrometer for the detection of
the E0 decay. The expected strong E0 branch could not be confirmed, however a
limit for the E0 strength ρ2(E0) ≤ 0.26 (intensity ≤ 0.1%) could be
An improved experimental setup is in preparation which will allow for an
increased sensitivity by about a factor of ≥ 750 through a coincidence
of E0 decay electrons and β decay background. Thus the presently
dominating β background will be drastically suppressed. According to
estimates the expected E0 strength from the deformed 0+ state can be
expected for ρ2(E0) ∼ 0.02 − 0.26, which will be clearly within reach
with our improved setup.
*Supported by BMBF under contract 06 ML 186I.