München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 42: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 42.1: Group Report
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 14:00–14:30, C
Identification of Superheavy Elements by the Atomic Properties of their Decay Products — •M. Sewtz1, A. Yakushev2, W. Lauth3, S. Fritzsche4, D. Habs1, A. Türler2, and H. Backe3 — 1LMU München — 2TU München — 3Universität Mainz — 4Universität Kassel
The discovery of relatively long-lived isotopes of superheavy elements with nuclear charge numbers Z=114, 116 and 118 is the most fascinating aspect of superheavy element research in the last decades which confirms -if true- an over 30 year old theoretical prediction of a so-called "island of stability" located around Z=114, 120 or 126 and N=184. However, the coexistence of α-decays from different isomeric states, electron capture and spontaneous fission may hamper any attempt to identify the endpoints of the decay chains by considering only the nuclear properties.
The development of resonance ionization spectroscopy and ion mobility spectrometry at the first trans-actinide elements Rf and Db may open up the way for Z-selective detection of the endpoint isotopes 267,268Rf and 267,268Db. These techniques can be combined with mass analysis and thus allow for Z- and mass number A- selective detection which would represent a direct connection of the decay chains of the reported super-heavy elements to the well established part of the chart of nuclei.
The combination of these ultra sensitive experimental methods with state of the art atomic level calculations has already proven successful at the first optical spectroscopy at element 100 [1,2]. *Supported by BMBF under contract no. 06 MZ 169I [1] M. Sewtz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90(16), 163002-1 (2003) [2] H. Backe et al., Hyp. Int. (2005), submitted