München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 44: Kern- und Teilchen-Astrophysik
HK 44.1: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 14:00–14:15, E
QRPA calculations of weak-interaction rates for pre-supernova evolution of massive stars — •B. Pfeiffer1, S. Gupta2,3, P. Möller4, H. Schatz2,3, and K.-L. Kratz1 — 1Inst. für Kernchemie & HGF-VISTARS, Univ. Mainz, Germany — 2NSCL/MSU, USA — 3JINA — 4T-16, LANL, USA
Ground-state and excited-state GT strength distributions and temperature-dependent electron-capture rates for a number of key Fe-group nuclei, relevant to the pre-supernova (SN) evolution of massive stars, have been calculated using the deformed QRPA (Folded-Yukawa, Lipkin-Nogami) theory. We compare our results with previous shell-model diagonalization and QRPA (Nilsson, BCS) calculations. The inclusion of our new rates in SN evolution codes is foreseen.