München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 45: Instrumentation und Anwendungen
HK 45.5: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 15:15–15:30, H
Proton detection in the spectrometer aSPECT — •Martin Simson1, Heinz Angerer1, Fidel Ayala Guardia2, Stefan Baeßler2, Michael Borg2, Klaus Eberhardt2, Ferenc Glück2, Werner Heil2, Igor Konorov1, Gertrud Konrad2, Naika Luquero Llopis2, Raquel Muñoz Horta2, Gerd Petzoldt1, Dennis Rich1, Yuri Sobolev2, Hans-Friedrich Wirth1, and Oliver Zimmer1 — 1Physik Department E18, Technische Universität München — 2Institut für Physik, Universität Mainz
In the retardation spectrometer aSPECT, protons from neutron decay are guided to a detector via magnetic fields. Between the detector and the decay volume is a variable electrostatic potential barrier, which allows us to measure the shape of the proton recoil spectrum and, in turn, the electron-antineutrino correlation coefficient a. Using a and the neutron lifetime, we can determine the element Vud of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and clarify the issue of a possible non-unitarity of the CKM matrix.
This measurement requires a very sensitive detection system. We use segmented Si-PIN diodes, which allow us to supress correlated electron background by applying an E×B drift in front of the detector. The entire detection system, which includes a low-noise preamplifier and a fast digital readout, are put on a high voltage of about 30 kV to accelerate the protons to detectable energies.
The detection and readout system as well as first results from beamtimes at the FRM2 in Munich will be presented in this talk.
This work is supported by the MLL Garching and the BMBF.