München 2006 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 5: Theorie
Montag, 20. März 2006, 14:00–16:00, B
14:00 |
HK 5.1 |
Pion-photon exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials — •Norbert Kaiser
14:15 |
HK 5.2 |
Chiral extrapolations of lattice QCD results: perspectives and uncertainties — •Bernhard Musch, Massimiliano Procura, Thomas Hemmert, and Wolfram Weise
14:30 |
HK 5.3 |
Chiral dynamics of nuclear matter — •Monika Mühlbauer, Norbert Kaiser, and Wolfram Weise
14:45 |
HK 5.4 |
Volume dependence of the chiral phase transition — •Bertram Klein, Jens Braun, Hans-Jürgen Pirner, and Amir H. Rezaeian
15:00 |
HK 5.5 |
Utilizing covariant BChPT for chiral extrapolations — •Tobias A. Gail and Thomas R. Hemmert
15:15 |
HK 5.6 |
Verbesserung des UV-Verhaltens in baryonischer chiraler Störungstheorie — •Dalibor Djukanovic, Matthias R. Schindler, Jambul Gegelia und Stefan Scherer
15:30 |
HK 5.7 |
Relativistic nuclear energy density functional constrained by low-energy QCD — •Paolo Finelli, Norbert Kaiser, Dario Vretenar, and Wolfram Weise