München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 52: Instrumentation und Anwendungen
HK 52.3: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 17:30–17:45, H
Commissioning of the Polarized Internal Gas Target of ANKE at COSY — •Kirill Grigoryev1,2, R. Engels2, F. Klehr3, B. Lorentz2, M. Mikirtytchiants1, S. Mikirtytchiants1, D. Prasuhn2, F. Rathmann2, J. Sarkadi4, H. Seyfarth2, H. Stroeher2, and A. Vasilyev1 — 1PNPI, Gatchina, Russia — 2IKP, FZ Jülich, Germany — 3ZAT, FZ Jülich, Germany — 4ZEL, FZ Jülich, Germany
For future few-nucleon interactions studies with polarized beams and targets at COSY-Jülich, a polarized internal storage cell gas target is currently being developed and was implemented at ANKE in summer 2005. At present first commissioning of ABS at ANKE was carried out and some improvements of the system have been done. At the same time storage cell tests at ANKE for determination of the COSY beam dimensions have been performed and in February 2005 a first prototype of the storage cell was implemented at ANKE. The prototype was made from pure aluminum foil and covered with PTFE suspension. In November 2005 tests with a storage cell at ANKE at COSY with use of polarized hydrogen beam from the ABS, electron cooling and stacking of the COSY beam at different deflection angles of the ANKE spectrometer magnet were carried out. The average luminosity was about 5*1029 cm−2s−1. Results of these tests will be presented.