München 2006 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 56: Elektromagnetische und Hadronische Sonden
HK 56.5: Vortrag
Freitag, 24. März 2006, 15:15–15:30, F
Need of a three-dimensional time for describing charged leptons — •christian ythier and genevieve mouze — Universite de Nice, France
Since any charged particle has a mass, and since any rest- mass is related to a rest- frequency by Einstein ’s double relation, a connection between charge and the impressive value of the rest-frequencies has to be searched for. An extension of the views of L.de Broglie (1) and R.P. Feynman (2) is suggested, in which the conservation of charge in a hydrogen atom is expressed by a closed loop in a three-dimensional time. This new point of view not only leads to increased symmetry of time and space and to an explanation of the uncertainty relations, but also suggests a tentative explanation of the fractional charge of the quarks, of the helicity concept, and even of inertia and inertial forces. Since the creation of a neutral lepton requires an additional 3D-space orthogonal to the 3D-time, six extra- dimensions have to be added to the 4D-space-time of special relativity.(1) L.de Broglie, Annales de Physique 3 (1925)22; (2) R.P. Feynman, Phys.Rev.76 (1948)749.