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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 57: Kernphysik/Spektroskopie
HK 57.4: Vortrag
Freitag, 24. März 2006, 14:45–15:00, C
NEPTUNE - NEw Pulsed and TUneable NEutron source for isomer spectroscopy — •Stephan Oberstedt1, Andreas Oberstedt2, Goeran Loevestam1, Carlos Chaves de Jesus1, Thierry Gamboni1, Wouter Geerts1, and Ricardo Jaime Tornin1 — 1EC-JRC IRMM, Retieseweg 111, BE-2440 Geel — 2Dep. Nat. Scienes, Oerebro University, SE-701 82 Oerebro
In the frame of the exploratory research initiative of the JRC a new pulsing device has been installed on the 0o-beamline of the 7 MV Van-de-Graaff accelerator at the IRMM to produce pulsed quasi mono-energetic neutron beams in the MeV range. The pulse width may be tuned from 10 µs up to several hundreds of ms with a repetition rate between 1 Hz and 5 kHz. Duty cycle and repetition rate of the pulsed neutron source may be selected independently. The aim of the device is to study the decay of short-lived activation products between pulses in an essentially neutron-free environment. For the detection of isomer decay the spectrometer may be equipped with an ionisation chamber, with neutron detectors and high-resolution germanium detectors. A first application was dedicated to the search of the shape-isomer decay in 239U, for which the existance has been announced in 1998 [1].
The layout of the NEPTUNE isomer spectrometer and first scientific results will be presented together with a proposal to investigate the super-deformed minimum in the non-fissile uranium isotopes 235U and 237U.
[1] S. Oberstedt and F. Gunsing, Nucl. Phys. A636 (1998) 129