München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 58: Theorie
HK 58.1: Talk
Friday, March 24, 2006, 14:00–14:15, B
The Nucleon to Delta Transition in chiral effective field theory — •Tobias A. Gail and Thomas R. Hemmert — Institut für theoretische Physik T39, Physik Department der TU-München
Based on a nonrelativistic approach of chiral effective field theory with
explicit Δ degrees of freedom [1,2] we
discuss the three form factors parameterizing the isovector N to Δ
transition matrix element. We present predictions for the
of the magnetic dipole as well as the electric- and charge
quadrupole contributions to the total transition current [3]. Non-zero
values for quadrupole transition form factors are typically discussed
in terms of non-spherical components in the nucleon wave function.
We compare our results with
recent experimental data and phenomenological models .
Furthermore we explore the possibility of utilizing these ChEFT results
for studying the quark mass dependence of the transition form
factors and discuss the chiral extrapolation of recent lattice
data of ref.[4].
[1] T.Hemmert, B.Holstein and J.Kambor, J.Phys. G24:1831.(1998)
[2] G.Gellas, T.Hemmert, C.Ktorides and G.Poulis, Phys.Rev., D60:054022 (1999).
[3] T.Gail and T.Hemmert, forthcoming.
[4] C.Alexandrou et al., Phys.Rev. D69:114506 (2004).