München 2006 – scientific programme
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 60: Physik mit schweren Ionen
HK 60.6: Talk
Friday, March 24, 2006, 15:30–15:45, D
Laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at the ESR† — •U. Schramm1, M. Bussmann1, D. Habs1, M. Steck2, T. Kühl2, P. Beller2, B. Franzke2, F. Nolden2, G. Saathoff3, S. Reinhardt3, and S. Karpuk4 — 1LMU München, Department für Physik — 2GSI, Darmstadt — 3MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg — 4Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik
Laser cooling represents a way of cooling beams of highly charged heavy ions
in a relativistic regime, i.e., at the future FAIR facility, where no
established beam cooling techniques scheme seems feasible [1].
At the ESR (GSI) a test experiment was performed with C3+ beams
(Li-like ions) at an energy of 1.47 GeV. Applying a decelerating narrow band
laser force bunched ion beams of several 10 µ A were cooled
into the longitudinally space-charge dominated regime showing hitherto
unseen features in the Schottky-noise spectra, possibly hinting a collective
behaviour of the ions.
The further application of extremely weak transverse electron cooling provided
a Coulomb-coupling of the longitudinal laser cooling to the transverse motion [2].
Fast cooling of the initial momentum spread can be achieved by using a combination
of a broad- and a narrow-band laser system, presently under construction.
[†] partially funded by BMBF (06ML183)
[1] Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 53, 583-677 (2004)
[2] U. Schramm et al., Proc. PAC05 JACoW FOAD004 (2005) and Proc. COOL05 (2005) in press (for reprints see www.ha.physik.uni-muenchen.de/uschramm/)